@ Forsaken

Which tabard will you be rockin?

Are you still going to support the Dark Lady or will you be a Champion?

For reference:

I think I will be wearing the Sylvanas tabard.


They both look way better than any other race faction tabard, I’m jealous.


“Victory for Sylvanas”




That’ll be why I’m wearing it.


Loyalist!! but that tabard is a downgrade from previous Forsaken Tabard


It looks like the Scream mask in the Male Forsaken model…


Depends how well it fits with the heritage set but loyalist would be the choice, she had the interests of the forsaken at heart for a long time.


Fixed that typo for you.

Well, a lot of loyalist ignore BFA/SL and maybe some Legion, Sylvanas was OK as a background character not a warchieft, She was practically destroyed by few people that’s not longer working at the company. Just remember, that the Horde has an Azerite cannon that was never used…because it was also part of that designer narrative…


Right, but pretending doesn’t change the story in game. No biggie, just pointing it out. Sylvanas was one of my favorite faction leaders as well until Legion onward, then she just felt very Mary Sue-ish, plus Nathanos “Self-Insert” Blightcaller.


I never understood the “Mary Sue” label.

The original Mary Sue was a girl that could do no wrong and every man loved her. That’s not how I would describe Sylvanas. Plenty of things went wrong for her and nobody but simp boy loved her.

Anyways, this isn’t directed at you but you’re kind of hitting why I’ll be wearing the Sylvanas tabard.

It’ll make the Alliance angry. Maybe I’ll use the tree mount on my Forsaken too.

(That didn’t need two posts…)


all my characters are blood elves after BFA

That’s why I added the “-ish” modifier. Not a full Mary Sue, but the feeling is that she would have been if the writer wasn’t wrangled in. Nathanos was more of a Gary Stu than she was a Mary Sue, I still don’t understand how we are supposed to believe that he went 1v2 against Elune juiced Tyrande and Malfurion, either one should have insta-gibbed him. But they needed some way to make undead nelfs, which never went anywhere.

Neither. As much of a fan of Sylvanas I am, her story has been ruined and became the platform for the Forsaken as a whole to be ignored for plot and development about them, in favor of heavy fan service pandering with Sylvanas.

The new tabard is interesting, but so generic it is…uninspired feeling to me.

Both are wonderful art, and the graphics as well done. That said, Im tired of the Sylvanas story destroying potential for the Forsaken to have the plot developments they deserve.

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That fight was after she went over 9000, wasn’t it?

I already forgot.

Well, the other tabard has nothing to do with her. What’s wrong with it?

Just curious.

For the Dark Lady :dracthyr_uwu:


Yeah it was right after Tyrande went Night Warrior, so she was already more powerful than him, then gets juiced up by a God with a capital G, and had her husband, who was throwing Sylvie around the forest like a rag doll. But somehow Steve- uh I meant Nathanos was able to go 1v2 and not get squished like an ant.

I do not think there is anything really wrong with that tabard. For me however, it feels pretty generic. It won’t work well with many of my mogs.

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