She was juiced by the Jailer, right?
But I see your point. Tyrande and Malfurian are thousands of years old and have been in many battles. Plus, like you said. She was blessed by a goddess and he’s the most badass druid (I guess?)
Oh well. For the Horde.
I guess I should have clarified this was really a question for those that are wearing the heritage armor.
I figured most Forsaken players wearing it would be either “Ew Sylvanas” or “BURN ANOTHER TREE” 
I wish all the tabards for the new treatment so you don’t feel forced to wear a belt for most of them.
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No Tyrande was juiced by Elune, Sylvanas had Jailer juice even fighting Malfurion, and he was kicking her butt solo.
Ain’t he juiced by all of nature itself cause of cenarius?
Yes. Canonically, Malfurion is so broken he could solo the entire Horde and their leaders if they came at him in a forest, as long as Blizz isn’t nerfing him to give plot armor (cough)War of Thorns(cough) That’s why he is almost always never directly involved in anything, or he has some plot constraint placed on him. It’s really hard to write a demi-god into a story full of relatively normal people.
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Yeah that’s what I said.
It’s bad writing. What would have been better is if Tyrande lost a battle with Sylvanas then asked Elune for help. Or not really lost, but wasn’t strong enough to kill her.
But again, there’s the argument that her and Malfy should have been strong enough even if she didn’t use the ritual. Sylvanas is just a ranger/banshee.
I never had a problem with her beating Bolvar. That made sense to me because Bolvar wasn’t even a third of what Arthas was.
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too bad he couldn’t handle an axe in the back.
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My bad, I was confused by what “She” meant in the first sentence I was responding to
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Pre-SL i would have rocked that loyalist tabard on every alt i had
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Yeah…that one doesn’t sit well with me either. The master of nature, couldn’t tell an orc was sneaking up on him in a forest? Gotta love Blizzard writing lol.
Instead of taking an arrow to the knee, he took an axe to the back.
brays like a donkey gd I’m hilarious.
Gonna have my Forsaken go for the Desolate Council Tabard. They’d all long been leery of Sylvanas and her motives, but once bfa happened they were all very against her. (Well except the one of them I literally made to be a loyalist.)
There’s also the option to be ironic and wear the Scourge tabard. I’m pretty sure it’ll match too.
Wow really ruined Tyrande for me over the years. She gets a paper cut and wails to Elune for help.
She would act all hardcore and the moment she had any form of danger she would wail to Elune to do something.
She has made more demands of Elune then anyone else. Not counting enemies who plead to their bosses/gods for help when you kill them.
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I like both tabards. But all but two in the BFA questline went loyalist to Sylvanas. I have to many alts 
Tempted to use that on my Death Knight Forsaken… as a joke.
I am going to want to keep both, I hope they aren’t changing the appearance of the undercity cloak & tabbard, think I’m going to head over to old undercity and pick the old ones up as I lost them years ago after getting the appearance.
My forsaken is newly dead, and would prefer, neither.