Forsaken should be embracing science and technology more

This is something that just occurred to me as I was playing the MoP intro quests. Shouldn’t the Forsaken be in the lead in terms of the Horde’s STEM sector?

Sure, there are Goblins, but the Forsaken are simply decomposed Humans and we generally tend to see Humans being into their air ships, guns, and stuff with their Dwarven and Gnomish counterparts.

The Forsaken, on the other hand, got funneled into chemical warefare and plague. So much so that it seems to be their only identity now. I would assume that they would still carry over that desire for technological advancement and innovation. Just with a spooky twist.

All this is to say that we really need Forsaken flying in death metal skull airships shooting lasers and fire.



before the peacecraft lore, the forsaken lost any good emotions from their past life, and became more evil with the sole desire to bring rottenness and pestilence to the land and any form of living being, they take pleasure in this and love their ‘work’, like creating abominations or a plague
they re the greatest alchemist in azeroth bc they simple dont care about the consequences it brings to the living world, its not their world

that being said, I think this part of their identity has always been well placed, the problem now they no longer have sylvanas, however, they should worship a new leader which is like them, a real undead and not another elf reskin

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Yeah and definitely not Calia


I really liked the mad scientist Victorian artstyle they were going for in Cata, but now it’s like… there’s something about their identity that feels very misplaced and uncool.

There’s also their Shadow Priests and Cult of the Forgotten Shadow which I feel have a lot of potential to be pretty cool


Also this Skeleton boss should be guarding the entrance of Lordaeron once they remake it:

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Ethical green energy by recycling decayed bio matter? SURE!

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Forsaken Recycling Department for a Green Azeroth

This is some weird stuff

Not the murloc

Grand apothecary Putress did nothing wrong! Bring him back as a new leader for the forsaken!

(Seriously tho. Changing how the forsaken work of a one of their worst lore ideas. I love the idea of calia. Just not for the forsaken. Need that dark angry “death to the living” back)


His art style is so iconic and stands out as well:

This is another thing I feel we’re all left wanting. They need to make some of the more prominent Forsaken characters like Lilian look more interesting

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Exactly! The forsaken of old were so iconic. They are taking too many edges away. The orc one I kinda see making some sense tho. Last vestiges of the demonic influences dead and dying, going back to their old ways. But man. When blood elves were under kael, and the forsaken were more evil. They were iconic.


Remember when this was a thing:

Like I’m not a Horde main but I just feel like these things added so much character and variation to the game. It’s sorely missed…


What third rate conic series is that from?

lol. I remember when this was new. I loved it. One of the biggest things the game is missing now is the old school “who cares. It loons cool let’s figure it out” feel that they had till cata. I use to be a horde main, but there’s no horde rp anymore. It’s just 12 people hanging out in org outside of a bar, lined up like it’s some weird auction. All lined on side by side.

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Fixed it for ya.


Third rate? That’s better than most new music now days.

The bulk of the Horde is literally a bunch of savages living in mud huts. They don’t even know what the word “sceince” means.

Why would one science when one could shaman?