Forsaken should be embracing science and technology more

We used it on Lorderon and that Teldrassil tree :slightly_smiling_face:

But the Orcs can’t do Shamanism either, not the majority of them anyway. Shamans are supposed to be a minority after the Shadow Council eliminated most of them and they have only been resurfacing in recent years.

I mean their whole shtick is that they’re some of the best alchemists out there. They kinda had to figure out some creative ways to keep their flesh from falling off eventually.

I recycle souls to power my access to the forums.

This is not true though. We have an emergence of Arcweavers who are Orc/Zandalari Troll mages:

And there’s also some interesting new dynamics with the Orcs through their Heritage armor questline:

Shadow Priests:

I have come because I have heard that there are now some among the orcs who listen to the songs of life and shadow. The mysteries of the cosmos are ones that the Shadowmoon have mastered.

If nothing else, I wish to share my dead clan’s knowledge with the young where I can, and try to steer those who seek to use the darkness away from disaster.


He saw potential in orcs able to wield the arcane, an area where the Alliance and their Kirin Tor have always been dominant. He thought it a waste to dispose of what could be a valuable resource.

There’s also a Blood Elf Magister that admitted that the Zandalari’s mastery over Arcane/Shadow is impressive:

And this is not to even mention the Forsaken themselves who were shown to be quite innovative and experimental until their story simply turned to Calia central. They have a prominent mage like Meryl Felstorm with 3000 years of experience:

And the legend himself: Alonsus Faol

And we don’t even need to talk about the Goblins.

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