Forsaken retake Undercity, Gilneans retake Gilneas, and Night Elves... get exiled from their homeland

I guess it also depends on whether we count the scripted deaths we suffer at the hands of Arthas and Argus. But also that depends if it makes logical sense for your character to be there.

For example a PC that started with the Cata revamp cannot be there for the scripted death at the hands of Arthas. Likewise a PC that started on Exiles Reach could not be there for Argus killing us.

Forgot about this one but horde players who do the revamped Azshara zone also sort of die. So we can talk to Azuregos in the veil.

Lies. It is Tuesday!!!

She used them until she didn’t need them.
If you think she didn’t need the priest during the Legion’s invasion, ya wrong.

That is true. In fact the twist when it comes to Legion is that the priest PC are the ones who dump her when we no longer needed her. Considering the Dagger itself lost its power to remove the corruption coming from Sargeras’ sword.

In the words of Batman, “So that is what it feels like”.

Yes, you are right obviously, that is why she showed up in BfA in the hands of a priest who gave it to the player.

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Maybe, but on balance it probably wasn’t the brightest idea to follow up an evil orcish Horde led by Garrosh with an eviler orcish Horde led by bigger Garrosh. The concept was trite even in MoP.

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Well, I gueds what makes you dislike the draenei is what I like about them.

This very religious scifi people that travelled across the cosmos to flee the legion and find their way.

I also guess that WOD draeneis would be more on the argus side, since shamanism becsme a thing for draeneis after the first horde was formed and the battle of the black temple right? And those events never happened in WOD.

I have no problem with them being a religious people, but the way they depict their religiosity and spirituality feels entirely superficial to me. It isn’t all that interesting.

I prefer them to do something unique with the sci-fi elements that incorporates unique Warcraft flare. I also want to add that the ‘find their way’ part is something they ended up not doing. Their entire goal as a people was reorientated to take Argus back, and now that they have that they don’t have any real goals anymore.

But that’s the thing I dislike.

Initially the Draenei had been on Draenei for about 5k-2k years, spanning several generations of Draenei. WoD lowered that to somewhere around 200-20 years, which I disliked. Instead of the Draenei having a long history on Draenor, they have an incredibly short history wherein they created an entire advanced civilization in no time at all.

I also just dislike how Blizz ended up doing Draenei shamanism at all, not specifically in WoD. They had the opportunity to do something entirely unique with it like they did with Belf Paladins, yet Draenei shaman have hardly any lore to them.

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Those souls are the survivors I’m talking about. And yes, they got a happy ending. But what about all the souls from Teldrassil that Elune let go straight to the Maw and Torghast and get destroyed there because she couldn’t be arsed checking if they actually got to her sister in Ardenweald [and we know she could’ve checked because she does communicate with the Shadowlands through Tyrande’s body in that storyline]? What about those souls she of her favoured children she basically damned?

Which is an utterly irrelevant statement to make since the Arbiter wasn’t working and they didn’t go to Ardenweald.

You realize in saying this, you highlight that she couldn’t have checked until Tyrande was in the Shadowlands?


She is from an entire different cosmological plane of existence, and the gods do not just barge into other planes. That is like asking how come those jerks who live on mars dont just drive back to earth and see what the problem is. Plus, we do not even know if they can, honestly. A goddess of Life might be inherently repelled by the realms of death.

Not all Gods are omnipresent nor omnipotent. Not to mention in the later quests in 9.2, it shows that Elune isn’t just worshiped on Azeroth, she’s worshiped on other planets. She’s had other worshipers call upon the Night Warrior and had died as a result of not turning that power off. It probably takes a lot not to just keep an eye on one worshiper but many of them.

Someone mentioned the druids of old, so I’ll mention the old paleo-pagan deities, but only a few of them were omnipresent and omnipotent. Many of them didn’t intervene in their worshipers lives. We should probably abandon any notions that modern Christianity has given us because it’s not at all accurate. Especially since worship of Elune seems to be very Pagan coded.

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Just to note the Arbiter had the Orb in her chest even in the old Art and unlike the Jailer Art the Magic in the Arbiter’s Art is the same as the Maw’s White-Black Magic.

I strongly suspect the Runecarver was going to be the Jailer while the original Arbiter would have been someone else that Sylvanas sided with to help her imprison the Arbiter. Furthermore Akarek resembles the Primus’s Statue in Maldraxxus.

As for why they changed the Primus from Akarek to the Runecarver: They probably wanted to make sure that the Necrolords’ Covenant Leader would still be alive(by making sure he wasn’t Akarek) and thanks to firing of Staff and Covid didn’t have time to make a Zone for us to fight the Jailer(presumably involving the Drust since their Magic resembles the original Jailer artwork).

For me, the way I treat my own char’s thoughts and feeling about what happens come at least partially from being raised Christian but being gay. Obviously I eventually came to accept myself and leave the Church. But for a Night Elf in the WoW setting they know Elune factually is real and exists (unlike any real world deity) so it feels interesting to explore what happens when he loses his trust/devotion/faith to a god that actually does exist and how that might affect him and his relations with the people around him who still do worship her.

The thing is that for me, as a Pagan, my deities are real to me. There are tales of their existence that can be proven through confirmed personal gnosis. Gnosis being spiritual insight. And for more personal matters that would be unconfirmed personal gnosis.

Now for many ancient Pagans, some might have lost hope, however, others kept believing. It was hard or harsh events is what made their faith in those deities stronger. It presented them with a challenge that they wanted to overcome. Which is shown in game when you do save the night elf spirits in the Maw, if you chose Ardenweald. Their faith in Elune never waivered. Not once.

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Hey remember when the Protoss took their home back too instead of relocating to another planet? :3 Even races in other Blizzard franchises don’t get shoved off across the universe from their home :3

I prefer the Night Elves having a new home on the Dragon Isles than any possibility of Sylvanas getting a Kerrigan ascension.


Can we stop this, please? It’s already been established beyond a shadow of a doubt that the night elves are still 100% in control of their Kalimdor land.


Is it too late for me to become a draenei?

Seems like i dont fit the kaldorei archetype of being annoyed at every story development.

Bel’ameth is such an awesome place and story beat, i’m baffled there are still complaints.


At most, it’s a 50/50 split among Kaldorei fans, and I think even that is a big stretch. Even some of the more doom-n-gloom night elf players of the past half dozen years have looked at Amirdrassil and said “this is nice actually”.

But like
 It has been half a dozen years. I personally can’t really blame the hold-outs for being hold-outs. I say just give them time after things go live to see how they feel about the live version.


Perfection is practically impossible. There will always be something that could be better, and WoW has enough of a population that there will always bee some people who most valued the parts that weren’t present/emphasized over the parts that were included.

Bel’ameth is awesome. Even a lot of the critics say that it is neat. But people still have criticisms - that’s how things go.

I don’t think these kind of remarks will help change those holdouts’ minds, either. Rather the opposite.