Forsaken retake Undercity, Gilneans retake Gilneas, and Night Elves... get exiled from their homeland

But this is the reason many or at least myself are upset about this whole thing.
If we are in control of 100% of our lands why did Teldrassil survivors remained as homeless people in Stormwind for all these years?
If we have out lands back why was there the need of placing the tree so far away from Kalimdor?
And for a replacement meant for Teldrassil as out new capital city, it being neutral is really out of place after everything that happened.

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I feel like making it so the horde can’t waltz around their new home would improve the new tree so much.



I suppose the closest equivalent is right now being able to walk around Highmountain/Suramar as Alliance (post-leveling/storyline questing). But even then those places aren’t hub cities with all the amenities of a capital and at the time nobody knew they would become Horde allied races, they were just quest hubs for everyone.

Like if the Forsaken were to get back Undercity as their racial city but in doing so ally are free to waltz up and down the canals, that would be just as jarring.

It just feels odd, but tbh it might be one of those things nobody’s going to really care about in about a year come The War Within because everyone will be congregating around Dornogal anyways.


I was not being serious, but It gets tiresome how there is always a “but” to some players.

Not that anyone should stop talking about their concerns either.

And talking about the “buts”, Amirdrassil indirectly reminds me of a shift Devs are pushing onto Night Elves trying to conect them with the sun. Since Cata if I’m not wrong they introduced the racial where you get stats depending on day or night (not a big deal) or how Druids lost half their spells from nature to solar. Wrath was turned into Solar Wrath and Insect Swarm became Sunfire.
With Amirdrassil all I see is green/yellow skybox, sunbeams through the canopy and it’s all too bright.
I want to feel like a Night Elf again surrounded by shades and moonlight.

Again, I like Amirdrassil as an isolated place but it being our replacement Teldrassil doesn’t make the cut for me personally. I’m glad others can look pass that and enjoy it.

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I think that is a completely fair issue to raise, and I wonder what the designers were thinking.


No we will make the Vib’n Kaldorei club.

We’ll have pie, and T-shirts.


Oh hi there Mr.Tree, didn’t see you dancing over there. Welcome to the Wild Vibin’ Club!


Hello! It is I, a dancer of many forms.


I adore the dreamtalons so much. I wish I could adopt them all :stuck_out_tongue:


There are also areas where Night Elf influence has epanded… Stone Talon Mountains, Desolace, and Feralas. Not to mention Val’Sharah and the Dragon Isles.