Forsaken retake Undercity, Gilneans retake Gilneas, and Night Elves... get exiled from their homeland

Winter Queen helped make the Arbiter from Zovaal’s anima. Winter Queen and Elune were cycling life and death together since before Zovaal was thrown in the Maw.

This is why, while the Night Elf Mages getting more visual presence is nice, I would think Emerald Dream portals being used in conjunction would be better:

    This portal is not just a means of bringing back Cenarius through the dream. Think about it, <name>. Once a gateway through the Emerald Dream is open, our forces can use them to move freely from Moonglade, Nordrassil, and even Wyrmrest, to this strategic location.


The Shen’dralar are supposed to of been the most elite mages of the old empire, who handled Azashara’s most hush hush important requests. One would imagine they should know telemancy and how to make permanent stable arcane portals, given it seems to of be a once common art that was largely lost because of the sundering—Oculeth was genuinely surprised modern mages were brute forcing what had long ago been made into a safe and efficient art by the empire.

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No, that isn’t true.

Portals didn’t get the Army of the Legionfall or whatever it’s called to Argus.
Portals did not move an army into Sylvanas’s throne room to end the 4th war right at its inception.
Portals did not bring the heroes right to the Frozen Throne to face Arthas.
Portals did not bring an army directly to Lordaeron, behind the Alliance line, to win the day for Sylvanas.
Portals did not get Vol’jin right next to Garrosh to end that conflict in Cata before the Horde started down the road of being “the evil loser” faction.

Portals did not solve most problems that they could have.

But portals exist in Warcraft’s lore as more than a game mechanic.

It seems most of the time, when moving a mass of people is in order, a standing portal (one that always is open) is the way to go, outside of emergencies. In Teldrassil’s evacuation, NPC dialog states the champion must move quickly, because maintaining the portal can’t be done long-term. That makes it pretty useless as an army-mover. Using the pre-existing portal in Darnassus would be of very limited use for army-moving too, because you’re just bottlenecked by being inside a temple on top of the tree; you still need to fit your army at their landing spot (Temple of the Moon?), then across the city and it’s bridges, then through the pink mist, and… Wait for proper transport from there. It’s legistically unsound, unless your end goal is to just have a lot of soldiers twiddling their thumbs on the docks. Or worse; also burn.

Portals can do a lot of things, but there’s a lot of things they absolutely could have been very helpful for and instead did nothing.


So I don’t think this interpretation is accurate if I’m being honest, and I know it’s your personal interpretation and unlikely to change, but I’m not typing this with that intent.

So, the thing about the power of the Night Warrior is that once it is invoked, Elune can’t take it away on her own. This is something she states in her conversation with the Winter Queen when she learns that all the souls she sent to the Shadowlands were condemned to the Maw.

“Tyrande invoked me, she must choose. Vengeance or renewal.”

This is further backed up by the presence of the other Night Warriors, all of whom were killed as a result of the power they gained by becoming the Night Warrior. If Elune could simply snap her fingers and take the power away, none of them would be there because the power of the Night Warrior caused their deaths as Elune would have taken it away the moment the job was done.

My belief is that when Tyrande said “My life for hers.” and launched herself into the air to attack Sylvanas as she was escaping, she invoked an incredibly powerful attack, and the power generated by the attack pushed her body over its limit. It was shortly after this moment that her powers became incredibly unstable and were at the risk of consuming her and it started with her powers fading during her fight with Sylvanas.

The issue of keeping Kalimdor safe is more about logistics than wheter or not is possible.

When the horde attacked, was due to the bulk of the sentinel army going into Silithus if I recall correctly, which implies that ubder regular protection, the horde simply can’t attack the Night Elven lands.

I also have the strong belief that “horde attacking ashenvale and darkshore” won’t be a plot thread ever again, but thats more on a meta level.

No one should want it either with how the writers go about doing things.


Some people are defending the placement of Amirdrassil at the Dragon Isles saying that Night Elves have nothing to worry about because with all those portals they can quickly reinforce their holdings in times of need.
So if portals are indeed incapable of mass transportation then that means Night Elves in Kalimdor are more vulnerable than ever becuase their now main seat of power is far away in another continent. Which would mean that growing Amirdrassil away from Kalimdor was a mistake.

I literally pointed out that we see standing portals are capable of this.

Come on.

So the portals in Amirdrassil are of that type? The whole kaldorei army will be able to move freely around Kalimdor using those portals?

Portals in game are, much like everything else, are capable of whatever the devs want them to be capable of. So, if those portals are needed to move the entire kaldorei army, than they will be capable of such


I don’t know Nightlighter. Sure, maybe? Probably? Like, I’m sorry but this is just exhausting. All of these points have already been debated, and I’m not saying anything others haven’t already said. I’m just repeating points others made, so I just don’t know.

I understand you are feeling a certain way about all of this, and I’m not saying your feelings aren’t justified at all. But at some point, re-addressing issues is counter-productive.

Portals exist. Portals can move defenders where needed. But yeah, maybe they just won’t do that.

More likely, they won’t ever need to do that, because after how well recieved the last two attempts at faction war have gone over (Cata/MoP saw massive sub losses, BfA was clearly not well recieved. Both had other issues as well, obviously), the sheer amount of cross-faction stuff they’re adding and the current focus of “please come home”, I am extremely doubtful we’ll see a Horde vs Alliance conflict any time soon, if ever.

It all feels like stressing about the minutia of a problem that is entirely unlikely to ever happen.

All this talk about portals, when we had in this very patch a small army of the strongest characters of azeroth (some not so strong) arriving in the emerald dream at the same time through teleportation.


At this point, it just feels like a minority of NE fans want and NEED another tragedy so they can feel justified in their complaints. Even with everything that’s been datamined that’s proven a lot of their complaints wrong, they’re still clinging to their Blizz hates the NE theme

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I don’t know about the rest but I was genuinely asking about portals because they seem so inconsisten. You never know what to expect and if what remains of kalorei holdings on Kalimdor depends of Amirdrassil for aid I need to know if those portals are going to be useful or not.
That’s a valid question to have.


Of course it’s valid. I wasn’t saying it’s not. But a lot of magic in game is very inconsistent with what came before. We know portals are capable of a lot things, it’s just based on the whims of the devs.

Hopefully they wisened up and are writing one single coherent story going forward, so we don’t get these little inconsistencies, often within the same patch/story cycle

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The Night Elves did not sign nor observe the armistice.
They were continuing the war (as of Exploring Kalimdor).
Your headcanon does not matter.

Ardenweald existed before Winter Queen took control of it.
Mushroom guy talks about that.

Edit: Nevermind that you can have younger siblings, lmao.

Well, he mentions that him and the Winter Queen were once the only inhabitants of the place and yeah, that Ardenweald is extremely ancient

He mentions that he remembers her arrival and that before her arrival, the realm was all mushrooms.

It is, I’m not denying that. I’m just frustrated with having to repeat points already made, including immediately after making them. I’m sorry if it feels directed at you, it’s just…


Here is the hypothetical premise required for a mass-nelf portal army defending their lands against the Horde and the hoops required to jump through to get there.

  • The brand new Horde Council, largely made up of very anti-war people with varying degrees of Alliance sympathies have to wake up evil one day and decide to have a vote to just take everything over.
  • Those now evil leaders have to ignore the fact they’re likely in just as bad of a position to continue a war as the night elves themselves are, given the last war was effectively a meatgrinder for both sides.
  • They also have to ignore the fact that every conflict between the Horde and Alliance ends the same; The Horde ultimately loses.
  • But having ignored all that, they decide to throw everything against the night elves. The rest of the Alliance just shrugs and does nothing to support the night elves; no Vindicaar, no Jaina and her flying ship, nothing. The Alliance just decide night elf problems are night elf problems.
  • And even though Amirdrassil itself has plenty of natural defenders, what with dragons and distance from any enemies and all that, the night elves have committed the majority of their defenders to that already-well-defended location and somehow abandoned their traditional holdings with nothing but a skeleton crew, including somewhere like Feathermoon Stronghold.
  • On a more meta route, the Blizzard developers start thinking to themselves “hey, the last two times we did a faction war, we coincidentally also lost a bunch of subs or otherwise saw major backlashed. But this time, we’ll do it right. And forget that whole bit about begging people to come home, and how we’re done repeating our mistakes. If you cannot repeat a mistake, what’s the point of even making a mistake?!”

Then yes. If all of that comes to pass, the portals should work to move an army of defenders into position.

And this isn’t really aimed at you, Nightlighter. It’s aimed at this entire irrational argument that ignores every single step needed to get to this end goal of “but how will the night elves defend Astranaar against the Horde!!”