Forsaken retake Undercity, Gilneans retake Gilneas, and Night Elves... get exiled from their homeland

Sorta seems a bit like we see sunk cost fallacy in action with some folks.


Hopefully, and no offense intended friend, but hopefully after this patch, this is the last we see of the Kaldorei for a while. At least until Midnight.


Amen. There are so many races wow that need some even a fraction of the focus the night elves have gotten.


Honestly I sincerely hope so. TWW is the time for Dwarves to get the spotlight. And perhaps void elves a bit with Alleria.


Not even then.
Nelves’ve been the stars of the game since Legion.
It’s time for Belves and Helves/Velves to shine.

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Yes please. Give people a reason to like void elves.

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Totally agree. It is time the other elven races got some attention. We’re starting off good next patch with the retaking of Gilneas.

I’m hopeful this means the other alliance races are going to get some spotlight and love down the road

Not much of a hypothetical premise when:

This brand new alliance friendly Horde Council still lets the Horde invade Ashenvale
They have violated peace treaties in the past
All Night Elves “supporters” have ignored their problems in the past. From Alliance members to nature allies up to the dragons themselves.

And no, I’m not complaining just because I’m bored with nothing better to do. With what we’ve had in the past it’s important for Blizzard to deliver a reasonable premise that states how Night Elves will be safe while not depending on the Horde feeling nice for a while.


You’re sent to Ashenvale from Stormwind in Cataclysm and from there you conquer most of northern kalimdor for the night elves.

That is literally not possible without being willing to come to a place yourself where you are willing to give Blizzard the benefit of the doubt they will not twist the facts of the setting into a knot to justify them stomping all over the Kaldorei next time the Horde needs to go find themselves.


It’s not an invasion when they’re already there.

No, the current leadership has not done that at all.

And ultimately, what would ever do that? Short of totally eliminating the Horde from Azeroth (and to be clear, I know you’re not suggesting that), what could ever possibly accomplish that goal?

Even if Amirdrassil was right off the coast of Kalimdor where Teldrassil once sat, how would that ever be enough? The Horde could just burn it again, if we’re going to ignore all the reasons that won’t happen. You could put Amirdrassil in front of Orgrimmar, with roots covering all the gates, and why would the night elves feel any safer? Obviously the Horde will just magically have another mana bomb, because if we’re saying both Baine and Thrall will sign off on total war, a mana bomb sounds about as plausible.

Your argument is chasing shadows, because if everything about how and why the Horde cannot and will not attack the night elves again is moot because “well, but they just can tho”, then any arguments beyond the total eradication of the Horde are likewise invalid.


Ardenweald, Marasmius, and the Winter Queen are all older than the robo Arbiter was, yes.

You’ll have to provide a citation that Elune is younger than the Winter Queen.

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Everytime I think of him my brain starts singing, so now you all can enjoy the suffering.

All together, now.

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/10 characters

Given Xal’atath cons the Priest player to try to get them killed several times and betrayed every owner of her knife before them, Knaifu lacks credibility as an information source. But given how often you have ranted about Blizzard’s dedication to unreliable narrators you already knew that.


I can’t imagine that’s actually canon.

I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t be canon.

Xal’atath has tried to get every previous owner killed, and succeeded. She does so to the player through whispers, which you’re treating at canon. The player deaths are probably not canon, but the attempts? It perfectly fits everything we know about her.

Of course it’s canon.


How many times has the player character canonically died?
How many times has the player character canonically resuscitated?
What allowed these resuscitations?

Whether it’s canon that Xal’atath succeeded in getting them killed or not does not affect the canon of Xal’atath trying to trick them into getting killed.


The dude actually said he’s just here to troll, so IDK why you’re bothering lol