Forsaken population

I’d like the Alliance to move into the Plaguelands at this point, given that it’s dominated by the Cenarion Circle and the Argent Crusade, both of which are organizations that are joined to the Alliance at the hip.

Especially since both of them are committed to making the Plaguelands inhabitable by the living again specifically. It’s not like there are any other large human populations interested in living there other than the Lordaeron Humans in the Alliance.

I’d still like humans to at least get pilgrimage rights to Capital City though.

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Post BFA the Silver Hand went Alliance, so anything they hold, the Alliance holds.

All the Plaguelands are yours.


Arathi Highlands.
Arathi Highlanders.

Man these threads are always “Alliance deserves more lands. Horde must give up lands and gain nothing of importance. They can have Ogres and Theramore. Alliance must give nothing of importance up.”


I sincerely doubt Argents are now Alliance. I mean, if Silver Hand banner in Stromgarde means something, then I guess Danath is now a Scarlet Crusader, considering he flew that flag there.

If anything I guess it was the Silver Hand of Stormwind fighting with Turalyon there, they were a thing back in classic, maybe Blizzard finally remembered.

I would be ecstatic if this were true but my gut tells me that Blizzard isn’t going to commit to it.

One thing I feel the Legion Paladin Order Hall didn’t adequately clarify was the actual standing of the Silver Hand as compared to the Argent Crusade.

On one level they do seem to have merged, at least at Light’s Hope. But Argent tabards are very much still in use, and the Argent Crusade still seem to operate as an independent, and neutral, body in the Shadowlands pre-patch.

So to what extent are they linked? The waters are muddy.

The Legion-era Silver Hand possessed members and representatives from the Blood Knights and Sunwalkers. Lorewise it’s even possible that the Silver Hand’s Highlord was a Blood Elf or Tauren. Of course, it’s also possible (and even probable) that they’re not. It’s true that Turalyon seems to lead the Silver Hand in BFA, but was that the “Silver Hand” the united Paladin Order, or as war resumed, did the Silver Hand once more become the Eastern Kingdoms Paladin Order of the Alliance, as it was prior to Legion, with the Blood Knights, Sunwalkers, and Hand of Argus going their separate ways once again? Does this mean the Argent Crusade went its separate way too, returning to its status as a neutral organisation? Does the Silver Hand even hold Light’s Hope anymore, or has it reverted to Paladin rule?

There’s a lot more questions than answers regarding the status of the Argent Crusade/Silver Hand in modern WoW.

That human page is hilarious. Nothing says “human” like a rogue with dark shadowy daggers and armor with a purple eyed skull.


Wow the Alliance co-opting Forsaken symbols for once

Beyond even just Lordaeron & High Elves i remember when it was also Stromgarde & Kul Tiras. When there were many trying to deny the Alliance should have even received those two before BFA. Advocating for Stromgarde to be Forsaken and for Kul Tiras to be destroyed or turned Forsaken before it was even introduced. As well as advocating for Turalyon and Alleria being neutral.

This is why the Lordaeron issue has always been so big for me and i imagine a lot of other human fans. No matter how much the narrative tried to deny the Human/Alliance connection to Lordaeron you just can’t do it. Especially given how lackluster Stormwind is. Lordaeron is literally the very place the Alliance faction was founded. It’s where a huge portion of the human & overall Alliance story took place at in WC3. It’s where so many important Alliance/Human characters came from. It’s where the Silver Hand was founded. It’s even where the King of Stormwind grew up at. By trying to give Lordaeron’s entire legacy to the Forsaken (and by extension the Horde) its pretty much invalidating the Alliance’s entire story in WC3 and everything that happened there. And even before WC3 given the significance Lordaeron had during the Second War.


While I’m fine with the VE customizations and not particularly opposed to a full on HE (though it would be redundant at this point), my mixed feelings come from the fact that…

A city from what population? You have a militia group with established lives in Dalaran. A single lodge. Otherwise some scattered individuals and tiny groups. Void Elves realistically aren’t that big. So you have a small town if they all want to group together.

The overwhelming majority of the culture are Blood Elves, but I don’t have confidence Blizzard would actually make a Horde race come out good if they expand more on Alliance High Elves beyond having a largely decorative role. A society of genocide survivors being presented as cultural corruption (such as playing off of Umbric’s thing about extravagence) and needing the guidance of (white) humans would be super yikes.


How come demographics suddenly become a critical issue when we’re theorycrafting the Alliance getting things but it never is when talking about Forsaken or Blood Elves getting things even though by all accounts they are also borderline extinct races

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This is something i definitely give them props for. It’s going to be nice to finally make a High Elf on the Alliance though it is definitely WAY long overdue. Especially considering how often they’ve been involved on the Alliance side of things. Probably getting more spotlight and development than most of the Alliance’s playable races. But regardless im happy to see it. Though i think they should develop a new title for the overall Alliance Thalassians. Whether that simply be putting them all under the “High Elf” title or giving them a new name that can encompass BOTH the standard High Elves & the Voided Elves. But when it comes to giving them a city i think Dalaran is the perfect hub for them.

It’s time Dalaran has permanently returned to its rightful place in the Alliance. (The Horde have no need for Dalaran. They have their own Mages and they deserve their own spotlight.) High Elves have always been part of Dalaran since its founding so it’s the perfect place to be officially recognized as their home city. My ideal scenario would be in a World Revamp 2.0 we have Dalaran placed back into Hillsbrad thanks to the Alliance’s 4th War Gains and that would be where Alliance Elves start at.


I kind of want to see internal tension between the High and Void Elves, honestly. I mean the High Elves were exiled in the first place for refusing to acknowledge or use the fel. They became exiles from Quel’thalas for rejecting dark powers. And now the Void Elves pop up, literally twisted and changed by the influence of the void… I feel there should be at least a handful of puritanical High Elves who do not approve, and a few Void Elves who don’t much like the High Elves either, seeing them as short sighted or weak. Could be some fascinating tension!

That said, putting their differences aside and uniting against the Blood Elves isn’t necessarily a bad idea in and of itself.

It never really left, did it?

I’m pretty sure the Legion vote was to allow the Horde into the city, not to leave the Alliance entirely. As far as I’m aware Dalaran is still an Alliance city, just a very tolerant one that let Horde members actually visit.

That said Khadgar is leader now and I suppose he wanted nothing to do with the war, so who knows?

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Unfortunately, it only counts if the elf is Horde.

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Well we can always hope for the future of the story! That’s what we’ve seen so far but I’m sure WoW’s got at least a couple more expansions left in it!

This could still happen even if they’re both take up the same name under “High Elf” or some other new racial title to encompass them both. Similar to other sub factions within the same race having tension or dislike for one another. Though as far as we’ve seen that tension hasn’t been portrayed. In Stormwind’s Mage Quarter we see High Elves and Void Elves hanging out together and talking.

I honestly don’t know. Their allegiance flip flops so much it’s insane. The remnants of Dalaran were Alliance friendly in vanilla, neutral in WOTLK until MOP where they rejoined the Alliance. Then in WOD they had neutral NPCs in Draenor & let the Horde back in during Legion. I wish they would just join the Alliance and be done with it. By that i mean actually sticking with the Alliance and no longer opening up their city to the horde every other year.

I hate to say it but i’ve massively soured on Khadgar as a character. I wish they’d just have him step down from his leadership in the Council of Six and just do his Guardian thing.

If they did that it could be a unique opportunity for a new High Elf character to rise to the position of the leader of the Council of Six. Or at the very least get some character on the council if it were to serve as the official home of the High Elves.

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Which is interesting isn’t it? Kind of renders the High Elves whole objection to Sin’dorei use of the fel very hypocritical, doesn’t it? I think they deserve better than that, which is why I want to see that tension.

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Does cdev even know what they want?

Christie retconned the durability of the Forsaken to a point were they can’t even hug one another without falling apart, I think Steve did a similar job to the Forsaken in “Dark Mirror”. It could be that the Forsaken are practically immortal when they can replace parts; which is weird because we have walking talking bones in the ranks of the undead.

I’ve always imagined the Forsaken as a very populace nation; they were resurrecting bodies left and right in Lordaeron. We were told that bodies were getting shipped from all across Lordaeron for resurrection. IIRC the exact verbiage is that the Val’kyr were raising hundreds of dead Lordaeronian a day. Of course there is retention as well.

Population is so wishy washy, Cdev could claim that the Forsaken’s few out number the Alliance human or orcs. In any case I would love the storyline.

The beauty of BtS is that the Forsaken in the book only represent a portion of the Forsaken at large. I love it because it showed diversity in their society. Don’t get it twisted tho, there are as many Stillwaters and Heculars as those that don’t want to create new Forsaken.

Is cdev claiming that Alliance pink elves with blue eyes are High Elves or are they dabbling in the void? Help me to understand this.


The fact that he apparently held to this position even post-Teldrassil is a disgrace. Screw Khadgar. He used to be cool but now he sucks.