Forsaken & Nelf Ashen Verdict?

Well, is sacrifice always the equivalent of Blood Magic? AFAIK it’s been said that Blood Magic is shunned quite a lot in Azeroth, the other example I can think of is Tyrande using a Orc’s head as an offering to become the Night Warrior.

Blood Magic so far has been said to be ‘‘Tortured Life Magic’’.

Well, I mean, one of the things you gathered was blood. I think using blood to power magic is always going to be blood magic.

That’d make it quite weird.

Imagine the adventurers in Uldir:

Adventurer: ‘‘You will not beat us with your disgusting Blood Magic!’’

Night Elf Priestess: shifts uncomfortably

On a more serious note, wouldn’t it be different to offer something be it blood or whatever to gain magic or power than to actually use Blood as a source of power instead of ‘‘currency’’. I do hope I am clear lmao, that sentence is sort of confusing.

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Trolls too for that matter,

No, I get it. Blood as fuel versus blood as currency to buy magic fueled by something else. And to answer your question, I don’t know. It’s magic the rules aren’t going to hold up to rational scrutiny.

In context I’m not sure it matters. Asking for payment in blood is very primal and very in line with the Loa. It doesn’t really fit with other divine affiliations that we’ve seen.


You mean Anduin would never rip off an Orcs head, and offer it to the Holy Light in exchange for a blessing?


He deleted a troll why wouldn’t he

Killing an enemy in battle isn’t quite the same as ritually sacrificing them.

Now you’re making me think of those Altar-Golems of the Lissalan cult in Thassilon.

Tbh though under any circumstance I think a deity being appeased with severed heads is, concerning. Especially for Elune who’s been nothing but kinda vague but benevolent.

Like the Naaru, or at least Xe’ra #notallnaaru, apparently don’t care to understand consent. But like I don’t think A’dal would make someone go super sayian because it was provided heads.

Elune made the naaru why wouldnt they?

She has a habit of creating or unleashing some very fierce guardians who don’t set bounds on how vicious they are or to whom.

Elune has always had the duality of Mother Moon and the Night Warrior. Hell, that’s why the priestesses are also semi-militant. Their weapon of choice is a bow. It’s just, as of late, the “Night Warrior” aspect has gotten a lot of attention.

To me, Elune’s thematically derived from the archetype of “the Mother”, which has a dichotomy as well. There’s obviously the more immediate traits, such as “nurturing” and “gentle”. However, there’s also traits such as “protective”, e.g. “Momma Bear”. The whole “severed heads” is appealing more to that side: if you want my boon, prove to me that you can defend my children.


If the new rep is called “The Ashen … anything…” I will consider and appreciate that the Night Elves and Tyrande have a very self deprecating sense of humor.



Moonkin are the most vicious of all of Elune’s creations.


Yeah man, they Flap. F L A P, them mosnters.

If you read up on Elune’s lore you would have your answer.

Nevermind, Falothorin already covered it.


I was joking.

But yeah, they’re disturbing.

Her “You all suck” speech at Orgrimmar was pretty damm plain. Even the loyalists got their own personal. “I’m dumping you and I’m not saving you from what’s coming up scene.”

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Well the Forsaken Former Banshee Loyalists loudly declare they’re never, ever, ever getting back together. In fact they are just waiting to see her again so they can show her the terrible vengance of the Forsaken.

But if you speak to them on a loyalist character they give you the ‘For the Dark Lady, Always’. Which… just c’mon now what does she have to do to drive the point home that she was using you?


does it matter? Loyalist route was done solely because of the sheer backlash to the fact we were doing a mist retread.

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That’s meta reasoning though. From the story we’re presented yeah some extremely dumb Forsaken are still loyal to the Banshee Queen.

It seems most are demonstrably not. The refugees in particular seem pretty accepting of it. But you know she blew up their houses in a failed gambit, did literally nothing for them - like not even open a Undercity Town in the Drag or that massive basement Orgrimmar apparently has - then openly betrayed them. So I figure they saw the writing on the wall already.

It is kinda disappointing. I don’t like that they utterly squandered Windrunner but they did so I’d rather just rip the bandaid off. These Forsaken in unrelenting denial at this point is kind of depressing.

Admitably that’d realistically be the sort of thing that would happen. And talented writers could do a whole little allusion to deranged conspiracy theories in game with it. But I suspect it’s precedence for either nothing or allowing for the Horde to kill more gormless Forsaken cannon fodder.