Forsaken Catapult

Still a problem....
I aimed for the rocky cliff to the right. When a flight came close by it, I'd fire. It hit the cliff and the "Splash-back" would knock them out. Took about ten minutes. The frozen catapult was a real drag. I had to repair when it was all done. Frustrating, costly repairs, and I'd fire who came up with this one...
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I right clicked and held down on the mouse to aim and then fired at clusters of them with the keyboard. You can hold the right mouse button down, move mouse to aim, and shoot by using the keyboard button (all at the same time). I hope that makes sense, i'm sometimes not good at explaining.

Such an old postā€¦ but thank you so much!! I was pulling my hair out! Just needed to right click!

This is still bugged to this day. Holding the right click to aim and using keyboard to shoot is something that is supposed to work, however, the balls that get fired stop on the ship even though my aiming is up and outside the ship like the indicator shows. Somehow, there are invisible walls around the catapult that prevent you from firing in most of the places.

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OK I have a MAC, didnā€™t have a problem aiming like others did. (if you do try Command clicking to aim better) My problem was when I would shoot anything to the right or even straight ahead, it seems like the barrel or whatever would explode before it even left the catapult. I didnā€™t see it fly. What you have to do is immediately mount that catapult and look to the right, there are 3 gryphons staying still. You can easily shoot them down in one shot. Had to do this 10 times but I got it done finally. Hope this helps.

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You can only fire to the right. thereā€™s a group of three chilling to the right. have to do 3 at a time. they respawn every time you go back to the catapult.

Still not fixed. The catapult is bugged.

Yea, that seems to be working.
Not a well designed quest/scenario at all.
I nearly had to put in a ticket. Extremely poor quest design. Took me like 15-20 minutes of trying to figure it out until I googled and came here.

Just did this and still bugged five years later from the OP. I remember doing this multiple times back in Legion, and it took a minute or two to get them all. Now, the catapult ammo collides with the ship, so thereā€™s one good spot to shoot. Iā€™m assuming the hit detection was enlarged to make it easier to hit the griffons, but all that did was make it so it hits the ship instead.

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Yeah so apparently you can only fire to the right.


There is still only a sweet spot to the right. But itā€™s doable.