Forsaken Capital

So is blizzard gonna have the undead be homeless for seven more years or are they finally gonna get their capital city back?

At least if you time walk you can still go back to the city. I totally forgot it was annihilated because of this. Imagine my pleasant surprise when I landed in the ruins of Lordaeron at level 70


Uhm, you people do realize that the Undercity were literally just the sewers of Lordaeron, right?

It wasn’t a privilege existing in the sewers, it was a burden. The Forsaken are quite literally better off now that they are dwelling in the ruined city itself, instead of the ruined sewers. :rofl:

Azeroth is better off without that disgusting sewer called the Undercity.

Perhaps their leader, who they followed before and after, should not have destroyed it.

A burden? They seemed pretty comfortable where they were to me


I’d like to see them back in UC. Buuut, Sylvanas decided she wanted to make it unlivable, so…

If the Night Elves can replant a giant tree of life, the Horde should be able to remove some toxic waste. (Since we have a council now instead of a Warchief, you would think that they would have already dedicated teams to making the UC inhabitable again. The story literally writes itself, Blizz.)

Azeroth is better off without human priests but yet here we are


Uhm, you DO understand that Anduin is destined to lead the forces of Azeroth against the Void in the final Cosmic showdown for the fate of the Universe, right??

Anduin is quite literally the saviour of Azeroth. YOUR saviour. YOU owe him EVERYTHING.

Yet you wont listen to him and join the Horde, hand in hand, in harmony!


Anduin is soft as baby sht. We are screwed if he’s the savior


That’s correct.

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We undead are not known for our olfactory senses.

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:



Didn’t we remove the toxic blight during the quest Return to Lordaeron? If they removed the blight from above ground it would seem that clearing the below would be just as simple. Was there more damage done that as an Alliance player I am unaware of?

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There are too many mobs on Azeroth that need exploding! Buy Mekkatorgue!

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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Give me above grounds, sexy, revamped Forsaken Lordaeron first. Undercity can be like a side thing we just have.


See that’s the part that Blizz didn’t tell the Alliance about and unless you played on Horde, you’d never know. It’s all still there. You have to Chromie Time to pre-Sylvanas nuke to even make it to the top safely.

The inside you can’t even portal/fly to.

Basically, you did a Quest that actually had no effect on anything. (Not an Alliance problen at all, but a Blizz problem.)

Perhaps the writers shouldn’t have used the Forsaken to make political statements in game.

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And now I hate Anduin more than any other character in WoW just because of you!

Uhm, traditionally that has been Thrall. What will you ever do when the story shifts to a Thrall centric, Horde focused narrative?

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Sounds good, thanks.