Forrest Gump

Just a thought, but if Forrest Gump played World of Warcraft, what side would he play on? What race would he choose and what class do you think he’d be?

I feel he’s the type that would make a character that looks as close to him as possible, and he’d consider himself ready at that point so he’d probably just roll with whatever the class icon started on by default, which I think is usually Warrior.

So, Human Warrior.


Assuming he’d own a computer to play it on to begin with, he’d have to have his son help him get set up, then he’d probably roll a human hunter because everything else looks too scary.

Five or ten minutes later he’d see how silly it all is and go back to sitting on the front porch of his plantation house, mowing lawns and visiting Jenny’s grave.


30 years old and never seen Forrest Gump.

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You have go watch it, because he’s got magic shoes. :mans_shoe::mans_shoe:

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Alliance Human Male Paladin on Goldshire where he’d quickly get banned after harrasing people at Goldshire :dracthyr_nod:

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I could see him getting addicted to fishing and just doing that all day.


And the way things go for him in the movie with him fishing all day he end up catching something that gives some over-the-top weapon


Haven’t really watched it myself just remember some bits I saw whilst my parents watching it as a kid where he acts like a male Karen and doesn’t understand boundaries.

Fisher, cook, tailor, hanging around to help the newbs. I can’t see him enjoying the stress of raiding or timed M+. I’m sure he’s be good at it because he’s actually quite smart and fearless, he just doesn’t strike me as having a competitive spirit.

I think he’d play a Night Elf. Loving his mom (Elune) and helping out his friends around Darnassus. Until it gets burned down and he goes all Vietnam on the horde’s asses.


Alliance, human, bm hunter.

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whatever he plays he would not do much in game because he was dumb enough to STAY WITH JENNIE!

He’d be the pandaren that never leaves the turtle


I dunno, he actually traveled a LOT. Dude had more life experiences than anyone I know lol

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Fair. I just figured he’d get into a routine of leveling up on the island and just staying there

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Forrest Gump = Budd.

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Night Elf Hunter. He’d have started back in the Classic era. He’s happy to tell you about Classic.

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He’s compassionate and human, so I’d say human priest.

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Wherever he went, he would RUN, FORREST, RUN!!!


Long movie, but it’s a good watch. If nothing else it’s a good tour of mid 20th century Americana and the social issues of the time, with some pretty good emotional scenes.

You might want to throw something at your screen anytime Jenny speaks about halfway through, though.