Former wow dev confirms blood elves to horde

You haven’t shown this at all; but then, you could comb the couple hundred starting zone quests for every vaguely shady titbit therein, and it still wouldn’t be true. Blood elves ran the full moral gamut in TBC: a corrupt, compromised prince and his fel-drunk zealots warring with redemptive defectors for the soul of their people; manipulative, power-hungry magi clashing with principled, fair-minded rangers; innocent, downtrodden citizenry put upon by dark, disillusioned knights, themselves haunted and tormented and full of all sorts of conflict. Supplements like Blood of the Highborne and Chronicles #3 explored this period of blood elf history at far greater length than the video game did, and there was a lot more going on there than “bad race does bad things because bad.”

I don’t know why you’re acting like the race disappeared after TBC. We’ve hardly gone an expansion without Hearthstone icon Liadrin and her redeemed knights popping by to remind us how ungodly boring the human/dwarf flavor of paladin is, since that’s their branding now. All those edgy Blood Knight quests were removed or rewritten to be more wholesome. Theron went from a hollow, loreless puppet with Kael’s fingers up his derriere to a “world hero” character whose wiki page is so long it lags my phone. Christ, the Alliance’s spymaster and his pirate boyfriend visited Silvermoon City last year and described it as a beautiful wonderland whose darker elements were confined to “darker times,” as most of us inferred well over a decade ago.

If you’d led with this comment I wouldn’t have responded, except maybe with a like. I agree with this take. But your broad interpretation of this race is as off-base as the one you first responded to IMO.

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I gave you quests from both the starting zones and Outland zones.
They’re not even ‘vaguely shady’, they tortured Draenei prisoners and killed priests and paladins for their own gain (post-betrayal Blood Elves too).

I also said before, Kael’thas and his goons are also all Blood Elves. What’s the point in making a distinction between Horde Belves and Kael’s Belves?

When someone makes a blanket statement about Belves in general I assume they’re talking about all Belves, not just specific groups of them.

Again, never said they were an evil race.
Just not morally superior to others because of their past.

I literally said

Every quest associated with the Blood Elves in TBC, regardless of whatever faction those Blood Elves were apart of, shows them as being consistently evil or doing terrible things.

In response to another broad interpretation of the race that I disagreed with.
Which yes, was a broad and somewhat hyperbolic statement on my part done mostly to show how off-base that initial statement was. And I used the “throw a pin at a map of Quel’thalas” statement as a way to show how embarrassingly easy to disclaim that initial statement is.

So really, this whole argument was just misinterpretation on both ends.

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Those are some rather silly examples.

Yes, it was basically a police state at the time of TBC. But you gotta look at the overall context.

Just recently 90% of the population was killed off, they are dealing with enemies everywhere, scourge remnants, amani trolls, Alliance. The last thing they need, are citizens starting to cause an uproar, over silly stuff no less. Like complaining about the Blood Elves joining the Horde? I am sorry, but have you looked outside the walls that was just built for you to sit comfortably behind? The Blood Elves were not given a choice as to whether to join the Horde or not, they were FORCED to join the Horde. Are their methods drastic and brutal? Yes. But also largely necessary at the time.

Are police states great? No… but in the context of things, it was the better alternative than to start chopping down people, or have people start encouraging chopping down others.

Blizzard may have wanted to portray the Blood Elves as these evil, corrupt, power hungry fiends. But their writing ultimatively fails to do that, the Blood Elves were in a VERY bad spot, and it can not be emphasized enough just how bad of a spot they were in.

People seem to keep forgetting it.


Yeah man I hate to tell you but i aint sympathizing with the poor managers of the police state just because times are rough. No context can justify what the people in charge at the time did. Not saying that every Belf was evil during that time or anything but the people in charge of that system and who perpetuated it were pretty unambiguously wicked.

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Yes, the Blood Elves were massively wronged and on the brink of extinction post-Warcraft 3…
How exactly does that justify creating a fascist police state which ultimately hurts and kills more of your own people make sense, again?

Like, yeah, Blood Elves went through massive near world ending events in War3…
That doesn’t justify the creation of a fascist police state, man.

Silly stuff like individual freedoms, yeah makes sense…

But they literally did do this anyway.

I didn’t just give examples of them being a police state, man. I also gave examples of post-betrayal Horde Blood Elves on Outland randomly killing and torturing innocent Draenei too…
Was that justified too, somehow?

“You gotta understand the larger context here, yeah they did some nasty things to the Draenei on Bloodmyst and Outland… but, uhh, well in Warcraft 3 Garithos did some pretty mean things to them.”

That’s just not a compelling reason by any stretch of the imagination.

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To avoid people who cause an uproar over silly stuff to not start encouraging others to cut their own people down.

I assume that is kinda bad for a country that just had 90% of their population killed, followed by additional people leaving, while also having a struggle with survival against undead masses, ancient enemies in the form of trolls, and new enemies in the Alliance.

No, silly stuff like joining the Horde, which was not a choice, it was forced, by the Alliance no less… which was also a part of the complaints by the elves who were eventually silenced. Complaining about how they feel they betrayed the Alliance, luckily some other elf corrects them and mentions that it was the Alliance who betrayed the Blood Elves. Although they bring up Arthas, but of course, the information about the dwarven spy and the Night Elves did not go out to the public, so they would not know about that.

I was also reminded that what the magisters eventually did is worse than just silencing the protestors. They did so that the protestors were speaking against their own actual opinions.

Yes, you gave example of Kael’thas’ group.

They didn’t technically join the Horde until after the Ghostlands questline was finished.
So no, it was more than just that, there was general unrest in the direction that the Sin’dorei were going during TBC, i.e. consuming fel magic.

The quests I gave were from a Horde questing hub.
If you bothered to have actually gone and looked at the links I posted.

He casts mindcontrol on them.


No one but Illidan, Maiev and the Night Elves who followed her would know about that though.

The Ironforge dwarves could potentially have known about some kind of connection with the naga, but the last thing the Alliance knew of the Blood Elves - was that they fought Illidan alongside the Night Elves in the ruins of Dalaran. And that Kael’thas saved Tyrande.

Maiev and her elves were trapped in Outland and kill. The draenei landed on Azeroth after the events of Ghostlands and after the Blood Elves had just joined the Horde.

The consumption of fel was solely by the Blood Elves in Kael’thas’ group. We see what the result of consumption of fel is, and no Blood Elves show those results. At best they had minor fel corruption as they used the green crystals to trap demonic souls. Was also confirmed to be the reason for the fel green eyes in Quel’thalas in a Cdev Q&A from long, long ago.

Nothing about slaughtering draenei.

He does.
But they were also stupid and encouraged rebellion.

In the context of the catastrophic events, and the fact that their outcries were stupid. I can’t really fault leadership for doing what was necessary. They did not have to twist the protestor’s tongue though, that was unnecessary.

There are fel magic crystals all over Silvermoon.
There are Blood Elves consuming fel magic all over Silvermoon.
He shared the knowledge of how to suck the magic out of demons with the Belves in Quel’thalas.

No it wasn’t. How do you think the Belves got green eyes in the first place?

Alright, I’ll repost the quests again:


Man, what we could have had as cool Blood Knights commanding the light still. Using it like a tool, no different than a hammer, to take care of those ornery undead problems and stuck up paladins :sob:

Minus the fel induced rage and all that


Definitely made them unique as compared to other Paladins.
Added a niche hook as to why they’re entirely different from other paladins that’s uniquely Blood Elven.

There are Blood Elves sucking out fel magic out of a fel crystals in a spire.

Oh wait no, that was just an animation. What the player character actually did, was shut it off.

The animation means nothing.

True, they powered the magical structures and experiments in Quel’thalas.

He did.
But Rommath and the magisters Kael’thas sent back did not teach to suck magic out of demons.

Yes it was.

How did the blood elvenfel eye glint become so widespread? The Warcraft Encyclopedia suggests that Rommath only taught the blood elves of Azeroth about how to siphon arcane magic, as most of the populace would likely be “horrified” if they knew the true extent of Kael’s dealings with Illidan.

The situation regarding blood elf eyes is, in fact, extremely similar to that of the green skin of orcs: just being around heavy use of fel magic turned the eyes of the blood elves green. You could be the most pious of priests or most outdoorsy of Farstriders, chances are, if you were a high elf in Quel’Thalas or Outland following the Third War, you were around fel energies, and your eyes would turn green. Like the orcs’ skin color, such an effect would take a very long time to wear off. Fel magic works a bit like radiation in this sense; it permeates the area and seeps into anything in the vicinity. Anything near a source of fel magic shows signs of slight corruption, it just so happens that high elves and orcs manifest it in a very visual way.

Ask Creative Devs Round 3

For reference, this is what a Blood Elf who consumes fel looks like.

The last one was one of the forsaken.
But I see your point, I completely forgot those quests… but Hellfire Peninsula was also quite forgettable, outside of the initial entrance from the portal.

But draenei are an evil bunch. Dooming the poor orcs to become servants of the legion.

A group of them tried… and they are dead in Deatholme. Blood Knights are useless.


Gave it a better shot than most of the Silver Hand :wink:


There’s Blood Elves sucking fel magic out of crystals in Silvermoon, again.
If you go to the Warlock trainers in Silvermoon you can still see this.

If you’re talking about Duskwither Spire, it was done for different reasons.
The quest explains that the Spire became corrupted due to Duskwither’s research, never mentions anything about fel itself.

Okay, if that’s the story they want to run with, fine.
Still doesn’t change my argument really.
Again, I’m talking about all Blood Elves here not just the ones in Quel’thalas.

Also, the Warcraft Encyclopedia no longer exists on the official WoW website…
The new Blood Elf page on the website explicitly states how they utilized fel energies to sate their thirst for magic:

Fel Blood Elves become that way through excessive consumption of fel magic, gorging themselves on it.


A forsaken who was being assisted by the Blood Elves by using their Draenei prisoner for the experiments.

We’re really not getting anywhere with this conversation at all.

If you honestly cannot see why mind controlling a civilian for thinking the ‘wrong way’ because it threatened the authority of the government is a morally wrong thing to do, I really don’t think we’re going to go anywhere productive with this conversation and there’d be no point in continuing it.

No there are not.

The best you have is one blood elf who casts a channeled but unnamed spell at a fel crystal periodically. Which could just be maintainance of whatever they’re doing to keep the city running.

I have gone myself to look for that, that’s all i could find that might be construed as that.

Also, the Azerothian blood elves were never taught that as Rommath only taught them mana tapping as he knew that feeding off fel was a step too far for them.


The animations mean nothing.

but in my haste, forgot to shutdown the power sources.

Player character is sent in to turn off the power sources, which is the burning crystals.

I am now reminded why I hate blizzard so much.
Remember, that is just the point of view from the titans, it is an unrelieable narrator.

They say that in their writing, yes. But nothing in the game’s story suggests it. The quests does not lead you to siphoning fel magic, it leads you to to siphon magic from living being. The original lore mentioned them not learning to siphon fel magic, and nothing, outside of Kael’thas’ elves, actually shows Blood Elves siphon fel magic.

Honestly, I wish blizzard would just come out and keep something consistent, this is the end result of their constant inconsistencies. I just can’t believe them when they try to tell me something in their story, because it changes the next time they feel like it should change.

I guess it is a different perspective.

You see someone being punished for wrong think.
I see someone being punished for trying to cause an uprising.

That’s pretty much the same thing in this instance.
But whatever.

Yeah, I never said that wasn’t the objective of the quest.
The spire became corrupted via his experiments.
You’re the one who painted it as if he shut down the spire because the power sources were fel crystals. And that the reason they were shut off was because Blood Elves were sucking magic out of the crystals.

There’s three of them there.
Hidden in an alcove of the city, with one asleep and the other two kneeling and sitting.
There’s also another Magister in the Hall of Respite that will periodically walk over to a crystal and uses the old life steal animation on it…

But if that’s not enough for you as evidence for Silvermoon being morally corrupt…
How about look under the tailoring shop?

I dunno, seems like our most recent indication on Blizzard’s stance of the subject.
Remember, the encyclopedia was removed off of the World of Warcraft website after MoP and was replaced with the current page which I just cited.

Exactly, that’s why there’s really no use fighting over it.

But if it comes down to it, I’m going to use the most recent form of information to back-up my claim.

where in the city. Because I’ve gone all over SMC looking for these supposed fel addicts that prove word of god wrong that the blood elves on Azeroth didn’t consume fel, and I never saw them. Just the magister you mentioned who occasionally casts a spell at a crystal.

There we go.

I mean, I’d say the Blood Elves are way less morally corrupt than say the Silver Covenant.

I dunno if I’m gonna take a paragraph on a website that’s got no other lore backing to it as the end word. Especially when it’s countered by Chronicles in a not-reliant on the Titans section


Murder Row.
Enter the northeastern room, take the stairway in the back.

I don’t care, I wasn’t making a comparison between them and High Elves, man.

That’s why I said there’s no use arguing over this.
It’s our most recent indication by Blizzard about their stance on this.

I’m not saying that they didn’t also absorb arcane and light.
I never said that.
Nothing in chronicles says they didn’t also absorb fel magic.

But once again, I’m lead into arguing points that I never made.

All I ever said was that Blood Elves aren’t any more morally upstanding than the other races in Warcraft, especially considering what we saw in TBC, regardless of faction.

No, you keep going on about how morally corrupt they are (which is quite different than they’re not any better than the other races) and using fanon to back it up.