Former wow dev confirms blood elves to horde

Pretending to be too stupid to understand the point being made does not let you win the argument. It is not the sort of argumentative cheat code you seem to think it is. You know damn well that we aren’t talking about screen time in CGI cinematics. We’re talking about which side the story treats as the default point of view.

I can’t even imagine being shameless and lacking in self respect enough to pretend to be stupid in the way you’re doing, but you should honestly stop. Because even if you annoy us to the point of us leaving this conversation, that is still not a victory for you. It’s the opposite.


It is pedantic for the reasons I explained below that you conveniently left out of your post. Be on your way, then. You’ll do no better than Smallioz currently is, anyways.

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The Darkspear were forced to give up the practice to secure their place in the Horde.

Were they though? There’s no official indication that the Darkspear were forced to abandon the practice.

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Considering the undead still OPENLY do it. Yeah, it’s his headcanon.

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You are moving the goal post. Or misunderstanding something.

The statement was that the Horde never gets anything nice that the Alliance doesn’t eventually get. And this of course being due to an Alliance bias.

There are many things proving this claim to be false, the Saurfang cinematics are an example of that. I don’t know why you are here on a sunday night trying to prove a hyperbole but I would advise against it.

Good catch. I double-checked, and it looks like the lore for that comes from the Troll Compendium, which states they just gave it up.

Pity it doesn’t tell us why.

Aha, I think I found the confusion. Looks like it was inferred from old RPG lore.

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It isn’t “moving the goal post.” it’s the fact that arguments naturally take different directions. When I began talking about the subject I was speaking about the POV question which had come up since the argument began.

Do not misuse fallacies. Like pretending to be dumb, it isn’t an argumentative cheat code. It just undercuts whatever point you’re trying to make.

I am not in your brain, I can’t know the intent of what you are trying to post.
If you want to change subjects then first tell and then make those arguments.

if you want to win the “argument” I give you the win button. I honestly don’t care, I am not trying to sway you or anyone else.

Curse made a claim and I said he is entitled to his opinion.
Then Tarrok and now you are trying to prove it as objectively true… well now claiming the subject has changed and we are talking about something completely different.

Lol, I didn’t even bring up the POV question Tarok did. You can’t even keep this discussion straight.

I really don’t want to get pulled into the PoV question.
Its just dumb.

Well if you take away the main way in which the game is biased (unconsciously probably) for one faction, well then of course you can dismiss the idea completely.

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You need to define and be specific about a lot of things before you can even begin having this discussion.
You are making a very general statement and I am supposed to accept or deny it based on your vague description?

Thats not really relevant. It was Horde content, solely focused on Horde characters and their journey. Alliance played some supportive action but thats about it.
And those cinematics were pretty nice.

This applies to both factions.

At least the Horde got something to make up for it. What did Alliance get during BFA?

It’s pretty relevant if something is basically acting as a bandaid to patch over the absolute hack job done to a faction.

Not really.

To be the good guys. To have a story line of fixing things instead of failures. Just didn’t get the ending the story set up because, ooops, blizz forgot the Horde was a playable faction so the payoff of destroying the bad guys that was set up in the beginning couldn’t run to the end point.

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So we are completely skipping the PoV question? I shouldn’t have had it addressed?
Alright then…

Or they could have not done the cinematics at all. Give you some crappy ingame cinematic where characters wave their arms around and the end.
The BFA story, was a Horde story, it was basically a repeat of the Horde story where they do evil, feel sorry and become better.

And thats your opinion. :slight_smile:
I have my own.

Dude… Alliance and failure are synonymous.
Didn’t defend Teldrassil or Theramore, the attack completely failed at Lordaeron until Jaina showed up and saved us from our own incompetence… The war was going badly that we needed to send suicide squads and a Horde civil war to win.
Alliance is the faction that fails upwards.

I am not even sure what you are assuming here but ok.

BFA KT questing was going through and uniting things and solving problems. Every zone in Zandalar was basically “oh no, something bad is going to happen if we don’t stop it! Oh. We failed and it happened.”

Pretty standard fantasy story telling set up, story starts with heroes village getting destroyed, heroes go out, gather allies, and destroy the force that wronged them. The BFA story went WAY too hard for a 2 faction game and wrote checks that it couldn’t cash. In that case, the story the night elves and alliance got is one where we’re used to the good guys coming back and wiping out the ones who wronged them. And well, you can see the problem with doing that in a 2 faction game.


So you are restricting it one single zone questing experience. And we aren’t going to look at the successes like the Horde chased off Alliance, wounded two leaders. Secured the Zandalari throne and their alliance. Zandalar was on the brink of collapse before the Horde got there. If anything they are thriving now.
You even saved a princess from a castle.

Except the hero wasn’t Tyrande who got her village destroyed. It was Saurfang, he was the hero, he gathered the allies and he put a stop to the villain. A story told almost entirely from his eyes. Andiun was there to cheer him and give him the magic sword he needed for the decisive blow but this story is from Alliance PoV? They’re the Hero? No my man, they are the village that burned for the Horde heroes to do their thing.

BFA KT questing was going through and uniting things and solving problems. Every zone in Zandalar was basically “oh no, something bad is going to happen if we don’t stop it! Oh. We failed and it happened.”

Can’t forget how BFA Zandalar turned the Zandalari Empire into Warcraft Wakanda and got rid of Rastakhan for a character they introduced in the same expansion.

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In BFA yes, I’m basing it off one expansion’s faction experience.

Before or after they did everything they went there to do (and a little extra)

After everything went to hell there.

This is certainly a take.

actually make him do anything, since we can’t have a horde icon do a thing on his own, he needs to be motivated by the specialest special king that is never wrong.


Before or after they did everything they went there to do (and a little extra)

At least Jaina and Gelbin were only wounded. I will forever remain butthurt that Rastakhan died without even a single Alliance leader biting it for parity.


What is the current status of Zandalar. The way you describe it by the end of BFA the nation has effectively ceased to exist from all your failures.

Well their biggest achievement was blowing up the ships. The king died on his own while Genn was trying to capture him or force him to pinky promise he wont join the Horde. I don’t know, whatever we wanted to do there was not clearly laid out or achieved.

So who was if not Saurfang?
Andiun? Tyrande? Saurfang did everything you describe as the “hero”

Yeah he gets motivated, jesus christ you never read or saw a character that needed a little pick me up? A little help? Saurfang got his little motivational speech and did everything else on his own. Just because Andiun was his cheerleader doesn’t mean he wasn’t the one that scored the winning touchdown.

Would you have really cared if Katherine died to the Horde?
You would be complaining about Horde being villainized further.