Have you read the story? I don’t think it’s actually deliberate as opposed to just easier to get into the right mindset for, but the story is extremely biased to the Alliance POV.
I’m not gonna prove a piece of hyperbole, but the uniqueness of the blood elves was taken from them when the alliance ended up with a superior version of them.
Yep. People always act like some half joke a dev said two decades ago is totally the reason why something happened. Could the people making the decisions have joked about the GFs actually playing horde if blood elves were added? Yeah, it’s possible they had a laugh about that.
Was Korea/China not liking bestial/sinister races possible a factor for it as well? Possibly a small one. But at the end of the day, the obvious reasons are probably the main driving factors and unless somebody very major has a stunning revelation to share, I just default to the obvious reasons. Occam’s Razor and all that.
OK, so just so we’re clear. Darkspear DO NOT in fact practice cannibalism. Good, glad we cleared that up.
And you’re right we WERE discussing Blood Elves versus Night Elves. I just made a mistake and typed out High Elves instead. But you knew it was a typo, didn’t you? Way to argue in good faith.
“We’re talking about simularities not differences”
Could you be any more pedantic if you tried? What is the inverse of simularities? Differences? Correct? So, a discussion about simularities or lacktherof would inherintally include a conversation about differences or lackthereof.
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Then you should not have jumped into the middle of a discussion trying to prove a hyperbole with “we all saw it lol”.
And you are entitled to that opinion.
Whenever the Horde has a major storyline, it’s accompanied with a large portion of them turning evil to be the bad guys for the alliance and token “good horde” to fight. If you don’t think that is objectively biased to the Alliance POV, then, lol, lmao.
Look up what the words subjective and objective means.
It will really help you in this discussion.
I know what both words mean. Literary elements can be objectively judged. I don’t know what half baked education you got, but the idea that examining stories is only ever done subjectively is drivel. Often repeated drivel, sure. But drivel all the same.
Yeah the Alliance hasn’t nearly had as much internal bullcrap going on compared to the Horde. Vanilla with Katrana Prestor is an absolute nothingburger in comparison to Garrosh and Sylvanas.
Like I said, don’t think it’s active. Think it’s just a combination of Alliance races being easier to get into the mindset for by writers living in a Western nation, vs the fact that there’s a lot of coding of horde races that is based on some real life groups that they don’t want to screw up writing for that they might be more hesitant about getting too into it. I just think it ends up easier for them to write the story with more Alliance based characters.
At the extremes you get an expansion like Legion. But generally it just goes with stuff like following around a suitable neutral human like Khadgar for the story of an expansion. It’s just seems like its easier for them. Especially when some of the big names don’t seem to understand some of the horde themes that people like.
Maybe but you are incapable of it.
Unless of course you want to argue turning evil is objectively worse than being the constant victim. That is what you are arguing. And that is an inherently subjective discussion on who prefers what.
And you said the Horde, the stories itself are also entirely limited to faction conflicts where the racial lore gets homogenized.
You may point to that Draenei story there or this Night Elf story here but they are independent. They don’t impact the Alliance as faction, its organization, its structure.
We don’t even know what a highking is. Its the title of an emperor, its hereditary but apparently its an elective position with purely administrative duties. Its insane.
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Ahh, my mistake. I forgot you’re a crazy person. My apologies for engaging with you at all.
I’ll go back to waiting for the snears high elf player to come back with a half baked retort.
In perfect fantasy land with good writers that don’t ever mess up, we’d ideally have both: characters from the Alliance and the Horde to follow around in expacs like Legion that enthusiasts of either faction could get along with and like following. Take for instance, Legion as you just said.
Alliance would get Khadgar… Horde could get Varok Saurfang, tying back to the orc culture being twisted and destroyed by Kil’jaeden and how the orcs are gunning for revenge against the Deceiver, or Grand Magister Rommath as a call-back to the TBC Belves and how Kil’jaeden almost f’ed them all up as well… etc.
No problem, be on your merry way.
Be sure to watch the Saurfang animated cinematics to pass the time.
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Yes, cinematics where he is lectured by the Alliance main character about how much he messed up following Sylvanas. LMFAO.
The person who promised he’d kill Garrosh if he took the Horde into a direction similar to the Old Horde has to be reminded by somebody less than half his age what Honor is and that he has a duty to fight for the Horde’s honor.
TOTALLY NOT Alliance bias btw.
“Sorry we’ve run your faction into the ground and personally insulted you as a player in the pre-patch event, but here, have some cinematics of a sad orc explaining how you suck to make up for it”
It could have been about Tyrande, her loss and her Night Warrior powers on full display.
Instead they chose to focus on Orcs, trolls, honor and the Alliance boy king that begs for peace and help.
You can view any media with whatever lens you want. You want to view it negatively be my guest but it doesn’t change who was in those cinematics and what they were intended to convey.
If a high quality cinematic with Thrall and Saurfang word vomiting about honor won’t make the Horde players happy then I am afraid nothing will.
See what I did there?
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“The game is biased to the Alliance’s POV”
“That’s just like, your opinion man. They showed orcs and trolls in cinematics”
“Yeah in cinematics where the moral arbitrator is the Alliance main character”
“Yeah but it like, doesn’t have Night elves in it”
You’re too dumb to be discussing WoW with anybody and that’s really saying something considering WoW is written for babies.
Blizzard spent money making cinematics about Horde characters.
Yeah totally Alliance biased, if the claim was true those cinematics would have been about Alliance characters, not the Horde characters.
In an expansion that completely destroyed the horde. Woooo, we won.
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They stopped as of joining the Horde, yes. However, when I brought it up before in comparing them with the Zandalari, I did use the past-tense. In other words, it’s just another example of how their cultures were different. The Darkspear were forced to give up the practice to secure their place in the Horde. The Zandalari did not practice it to begin with (although I may be mistaken on this, I just haven’t seen any lore to suggest that they did).
Happens to the best of us.
I’m not a mind reader, so no, I didn’t know. I suspected as much, but I also legitimately thought you might’ve confused me for someone else and lost track of the discussion.
Yeah this is starting to look like a waste of my time, if you’re only more interesting in attacking me rather than discussing the point.
It’s not pedantic. Discussing similarities and then shifting to differences is a classic case of moving the goal post. I was fine giving you the benefit of the doubt, but clearly that wasn’t the case.
Have a good evening.