Former mythic raider looking for guild


I just came back from a break and would like to step back into the mythic scene. Ideally 2 days a week.
I can play shadow priest/lock/mage (pref shadow).
I am looking for a new guild to call home.
My btag is Dipipis#1760

9pm-12pm est Wed/Thur.
13/26m Awakened
6/9m AtDH,
Recruitting melee DPS (Rogue, DK, DH, Enhance),
Ranged DPS (Mage, Dev Evoker, Elemental Shaman, Hunter, Boomkin, Lock)
1 Holy Pal
LF 520+ Raiders And/OR Returning Players for mythic content now and TWW.

discord - quixoticc24

i sent a friend request jrzo#1414

our guild raids tues/thurs 8-11pm est and the name is “jump off” on zul’jin horde. Our goal is mid-mythic to deep mythic.

the core of our guild have been playing together for many tiers and we are looking to add new people to the mix.

Hi Plagatox
BiOL is looking for a few more raiders\M+ers. We are looking for Mythic raiders looking to prog and also fill in raiders who are more casual. You didn’t mention your availability so check us out below and if we seem like a fit give us a poke.
Good luck to you regardless!