Former Blizzard Employee writes about it on Dailykos

Oh I know a thing or 2 about communism was born in the DDR…was born a little south of
Delitzsch…1963… Me my family fled east Germany 1977…

Now do I think CNN is Communist not in the least not impartial They lean left of center…
I honestly don’t fault MSNBC They don’t Advertise as impartial like CNN.

But the dailykos Is basically breitbart for the left


The article really gives no worthwhile new information. It might has well been a speculation post here on the forums.


Daily Kos ?? Lol

Ya let us become like Venezuela .!!

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Coming from the Daily Kos you know this is going to be a fair and unbiased article.

There is only one bill of rights … FDR was not the author

What? How is this layoff different from the one you mention in 2010 (which impacted a lot more employees)?

Glad you made it out.

To give some context, Germany (Now) is a social democracy. They’re pretty sick.

Also, to give more context, Maoism and Leninism isn’t even the same thing as Marxism.

So these sorts of sweeping generalizations about government styles are pretty unfounded. It just shows there isn’t a lot of nuance to these arguments.

They’re both left of center. But honestly not by much and in some ways they lean right. The issue right now is that the Breitbarts (extreme right bias) and Fox News (pretty far right bias) are trying to paint them as being left wing when honestly they’re moderate.

Yeah, but if only if we’re talking about Bias. Dailykos is far left bias, Breitbart is far right bias…

But Breitbart props up far right hate groups.

That sort of stuff doesn’t fly on kos.

This is exactly why I don’t have a problem with MSNBC or Fox for that matter. It’s so transparent that they are biased sources of new. But my god, anyone of note claim that CNN is not unbiased news and their news anchors go crazy for a week.

And antifa is not a hate group?

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CNN is moderate ?? Rofl


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I was just quoting the article there, as someone asked for a summary and I thought it would add to the conversation (which is why it was in block text)…but

This isn’t really what was disclosed as the reason for layoffs. It was announced as a restructuring. Which is fine. These things happen. But I think the quote makes a good point. If this happened for financial reasons - and the managers were the ones making those financial decisions - someone, somewhere at the top should be taking a bigger hit than they are if 800 lower level people are getting cut to make up for their mismanagement…

They’re from the same tree… Where they strip the individual rights where they were practiced…
So what experience you have living in a Communist country

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Large corporate profits weren’t good enjoy and the stockholders had to be shown that human sacrifices would be made in their name to insure profits!

It’s always weird to me to see this counter argument… it feels synonymous with, “But what about those poor fascists?”

Anyways. They’re pretty unsupported by Kos. It’s a diary site. But you just don’t really get away with promoting violence on left wing sites.

I’m not sure about the percentage between the two groups, but there is a large amount of people genuinely opposed to violence of any kind there. It’s a left leaning group so you’re gonna have pacifists.

Since the site runs on liking diarists diaries they just aren’t going to be successful.

Again, this was a quote of the original article - hence the block text.

What I found interesting about it was that it touches on how the culture at blizz has changed since atvi took the reins.

I don’t know the answer to your question, as I wasn’t the one who wrote it.

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Yeah. I liked your post about it. I did my original post on a phone so I wasn’t really gonna be able to quote anything.

If it’s mismanagement. Companies change direction. They change support structures, they change corporate structure. What was good 5 or 6 years ago may not be good now, or not good in the near future. Companies don’t make changes for now, they make changes now for the future.

I’m not saying companies haven’t dicked up and had to cut people because of it, that happens. It could have even happened here, but we don’t know, and I’m going to take with a grain of salt the account of someone who got laid off and immediately ran to a media outlet to write about it.

I’ve posted this before but once again it seems appropriate here.

There’s no left or right. All of you are very funny. There’s only the haves and the have nots and the haves are just keeping people like you fighting each other. You’re being played for their greater greed. :rofl:

Apparently the guy hasn’t worked there for over a year. Am I the only one here who read the article? Its like freshman year all over again.

For those of us who are upset, well, I’ll speak for myself, it is because the only real point of contact I had with company - the blue yak - was let go. Regardless of what you think of him, he was by far the most active public face of the company for players who visited here and reddit.

I get corporations are going to do these kind of things. It just sucks to see it handled this way - especially when the problems with the company as whole, and this game in particular, are coming from people and departments that seemingly escaped the cuts.

I’m willing to bet you live in a social democracy right now.

The weird thing is the insistence on the far right about this strawman communist thing.

It’s tough too because the counter straw man argument is to say the people on the right are promoting fascism. But because of the Alt-right like… it’s not a stretch.