Please, give me back Nar’jira the Battlemaiden as a friendly character!
Maybe AU Yozshura made it over in the portal too.
Zero consequences, zero part in the not only the main campaign… where his character is the very first one we should be asking about… but also zero part in his own side quests. Literally you had bread crumb steps to bring back, and they completely forgot to include any conclusion with him, any questioning of him of “ANY” of the bread crumbs that were making accusations against him. Nothing. He showed up, shrugged and said the equivalent of “hmm, that’s odd, I’ll think a while” and had absolutely nothing to say about paladins to the paladins or to the dragons about dragons… nor to the humans about humanity. Nothing. Totally forgotten. And then the very next expansion is all about some things his best mate Archaedas did… and not once did we ever go find Tyr to ask about it. No rumor. No hint. No side quest. No main quest. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Forgotten.
RPG had him die in a cell in Stromgarde, if it wasn’t that I’d have to assume he was just executed like most traitors tend to be with a hanging. Maybe a beheading, but I think Stromgarde has gallows like Kul Tiras and Stormwind do.
I could do with an update on most Forsaken NPCs.
Is Gretchen Dedmar still knitting duskbat sweaters for the Deathguard? Has Pontius started up a deathhound kennel in New Agamand? Is Dalar Dawnweaver excited to hear about Dalaran’s fate? What’s Lydon’s career looked like after busting the Sludgefield case wide open?
In the Beyond the Dark Portal novel, he was put on house arrest because the rest of the Alliance couldn’t execute him due to the fact that he was a king.
I theroize that he must have been killed by the Horde or something after they broke him out of his house arrest as revenge for him betraying them shortly after the bargain he made with Doomhammer. And I think he died sometime prior to the third war given that Strahnbrad had began to recognize Arthas as their lord and no mention of Aiden Perenolde was made.
I remember thinking that he was going to one of the main Forsaken characters after his role in the Edge of Night and upholding Forsaken free will in the Hillsbrad questing. It’s a shame that he’s been a no show since.
His last known interaction with the Horde was him giving Teron Gorefiend the Book of Medivh in exchange for the Alliance troops in his lands being destroyed. As he gleefully laughed, his son punched in the face, while ranting that he ruined everything Aliden had done to restore their name.
I kind of wonder if Aliden joined Arthas Menethil and Galen Trollbane in the act of patricide.
Aliden or Aiden?
Aliden went on to join the Durnholde military and then took up operations at Alterac and we kill him in a questline in Classic.
We never hear anything about Aiden after his last interaction with the Horde aside from a tweet from Sean Copeland back in 2014 stating that he is deceased.
Aliden. I wonder if he killed his father, like how Arthas killed Terenas.
I know. I do wonder if his mistress Elysa is alive or dead. She just vanished after the cataclysm update that merged Alterac into Hillsbrad.
I’m onboard, sounds funny. Half of the Kings being violently ended by their sons. We could make it four if we count Jaina as being responsible for Daelin’s death. So that would make Liam the only crown prince who died saving his dad instead of killing them from that generation of heirs.
For me?
Jorin Deadeye
Leader of the Bleeding Hollow Clan and son of the renowned warchief: Kilrogg Deadeye.
Personally I loved Kilrogg’s cinematic and would love for the Bleeding Hollow Clan, along with the rest of the orcs – and Jorin himself, to rise to that same kind of glory & awe-factor.
Jevan Grimtotem – ‘Stormsong’
He disagreed with Cairne’s leadership and Baine’s rule – even agreeing with much of Magetha’s policies and vision for the Tauren … But he has honour.
- Thus siding with Baine to reclaim the city & ultimately becoming an advisor.
Honestly I’d find Jevan to be far better leader for the tauren in general, but overall I’d simply settle for him getting some involvement in the story again.
Teron Gorefiend would be fantastic addition to the Horde’s arsenal of warlocks
- Fits in with the Forsaken (being an undead human corpse … with wings, but still!)
- Fits in with warlocks (One of the OG Shadow-Council members)
- Fits in with orcs (being an orc soul “relocated” into a human corpse)
Give him a backstory of serving Illidan to stop the Legion. Perhaps a somewhat redemption storyline from his journey – That gave him interesting character development.
The Naaru of Outland: A’dal, K’ure, D’ore and the Sha’tar
Personally I hope that if we DO have a light conflict — That these naaru are on our side, rather than against us
I rather liked how K’ure was a spiritual being for the orcs who became their close friends within Oshu’gun and likewise D’ore was a similar sense for the Draenei who forged Auchindoun around them as a spiritual site.
I’d love to see:
- K’ure be the naaru ally for the Horde
- D’ore be the naaru ally of the Alliance
- and then A’dal to be the prime naaru who’s on our side & bridges the two against the rest of their more fanatical kind.
It’d also keep a good semblance of light-based roleplay for priests & paladins, having allies within the domain of light itself — despite also facing off such forces.
Thomas Zelling
Thomas Zelling was a human tidesage of Kul Tiras. He was sick and about to die, and as a tidesage, he turned to the Void to try to cure his disease with forbidden research. He heard about the fate of Captain Amalia Stone and how she was turned by the Forsaken, which interested him into their condition.
- When the Horde contacted him in search of the body of Marshal Valentine, he seized the occasion to make a pact with the Forsaken: they would raise him as an undead and he would help the Horde as long as his still-living family would be protected.
Thomas Zelling ultimately died at the hands of Nathanos Blightcaller under Sylvanas Windrunner’s orders due to his involvement rescuing Derek Proudmoore — However given they’re Forsaken, I’d LOVE to see them have some artifact or something that rose him back yet again, because he was a really cool character - Especially for the Forsaken
When he shows up in the Orc Heritage he talks about uniting the Bleeding Hollow and making a home on Azeroth, so I feel that it’s a matter of when over if. With Midnight updating Quel’Thalas, we might not even have to wait for another world revamp for him show.
It just depends on where said Bleeding Hollow home will be. I kind of wonder if it will be in Northern Stranglethorn, with them taking over Grom’gol, as the Bleeding Hollow did want to claim the territory during the First War.
I mean you say that but … Blizzard doesn’t really have the most stellar reputation of doing right by the Horde in the story.
I’m afraid orc characters are going to fade into mundanity or being mere side-characters & ultimately only really involved in side-stories.
Im still saying they should canonize Aiden became Baron Perenolde, the WC3 rando DK, and then returns to rule is ruined kingdom under the Horde as Forsaken.
This is a very cool concept, I like this a lot.
Literally ANY Pandaren.
Maybe some from the Isle who aren’t Aysa or Ji could be developed into actual characters. I remember there being some sage who wasn’t Master Shang Xi.
(Also shouldn’t another Master be in his place? His school can’t just not have a leader.)
Alterac itself could be considered a forgotten character. Which is odd because it’s the adopted homeland of Thrall’s clan and has a lot of free real estate it’s odd the Forsaken haven’t claimed.
Like in the early days when the Forsaken were still only beginning to form a nation I could see how the Syndicate and Crushridge Ogres might be too much to deal with. But they have an airforce made out’ve giant vampire bats now. Figure you could just fumigate the ruins of Alterac then have it occupied in the span of a Tuesday afternoon now.
Poor Alterac mountains. Got merged with Hillsbrad in Cata but had nearly every quest removed that was tied to the zone.
I still laugh that the Horde got a random flight point there and yet it serves no purpose. Although in all honestly, I still think Blizzard went overboard with the amount of flight paths they added to the vanilla zones in Cata. Some of them are tied to areas that only have like 2-3 quests before moving onto the next area. Redridge is a perfect example of that.
Or how the Horde has a flight point right next to a neutral one in Desolace. Likewise with Alliance in Swamp of Sorrows.
Him and any other Second War Death Knights could also help answer the Forsaken population question. After all the Val’kyr left with Sylvanas, and its uncertain on how the Forsaken are planning to repopulate.