Forgotten Characters Whom You Want To See

For me in no particular order:

Gunther Arcanus - A Forsaken/Lich Necromancer. In Classic, we were given a questline to recruit him into the Forsaken. However in Cataclysm and to this day post Battle for Lordaeron, he just chilling on his little island and is involved in no quests whatsoever.

Fenris Wolfbrother - The last we heard of him was in the Beyond the Dark Portal novel where he gave the Scepter of Sargeras to Teron Gorefiend and he had returned to Outland. After that, we never hear what happened to him.

Hatock, Groton, and Skal - These are Fenris Wolfbrother’s three sons. We meet them in WoD. However, we don’t know whether or not they even existed in the prime universe.

Thalen Songreaver - The last time we heard of him was in War Crimes where he helped Garrosh escape from jail.

Jevan Grimtotem/Stormsong - He has never made any appearance in the game nor has he been involved in the story after being introduced in The Shattering.

Vol’jin’s Children - Vol’jin has 3 children according to the lore, one of whom we met in the game named Yenniku.

Magatha Grimtotem - So I’m curious as to what Blizzard has planned on doing with this character. Is she going to be given a redemption arc or something or will she at long last go the way of the loot pinata?

Me’dan - Yep I know, this one is controversial. Blizzard once stated that they wanted to add him into the game but the employee who stated that left Blizzard in 2016. I’m curious as to what his whereabouts in the story are right now or if he is even cannon at this point.

Tammis and Clannia Foxton - The last time we ever saw them was in the Lord of the Clans novel. Thrall had ordered Grom Hellscream to give their daughter’s necklace to them after the siege of Durnholde. However the necklace somehow had ended up coming into the possession of the Syndicate and we never hear about what happened to the Foxtons after the fact.

Sergeant - Another character from the Lord of the Clans novel. He was the man who taught Thrall the concept of mercy and honorable combat. He was also one of the few people nice to Thrall during his capitvity. When Thrall stormed Durnholde to break the internment camp system, he allowed Sergeant and his men to go free. We never got any further story for him after Lord of the Clans.

Calia Menethil’s husband and child - In the Before the Storm Novel, we find out that Calia Menethil eloped with a footman from Lordaeron and they had a child together. After the third war, they had lived in Southshore up until Cataclysm when the Forsaken had blighted the town at which point they were separated. We never find out what happened to them after that.

Isiden Perenolde - The nephew of Aiden Perenolde. Last we heard of him, he went to Gilneas to protest who the leader of Alterac should be in the novels. Since then, he has made no further appearances.

What long forgotten characters do you want an update on or to want to see return to the story?

EDIT: Added more characters to the OP that were brought up in this thread


Ratso Steamwheedle, Vol’jin’s children, Talthressar, and Cersei Dusksinger come to mind that i’d like to see explored and their interaction with the world events. :robot::thought_balloon:


Of the top of my head are Nazgrel, Jevan Grimtotem, Elder Torntusk, and Primal Torntusk.


-Nazgrel is at the top of this list. I’ve always liked him and his attitude.
-High Executor Anslem. Another one I just instantly liked and would enjoy seeing again.
-Literally any Perenolde, dead or undead. I’d like some closure on my favorite Human kingdom, since in BFA the Syndicate seemed to be as robust as ever.


Helcular - Rather surprised he isn’t on the Desolate Council or fraternizing with Faranell, and as with Gunther Arcanus he’s powerful enough and knowledgeable to become a Lich and play a role in whatever method is cooked up to preserve or sustain the Forsaken’s numbers in the future, should Blizzard intend to revisit that worn out and pointless plot point.


It is going to be Necromancers who can spec Lich for a fact 100% absolutely unequivocally as if turtle raisin gluttony porridge quicksand geometry excitement parade yes

Sira Moonwarden is at the top of my list. She’s the perfect candidate to breach the Watchers into the Horde, not to mention she was glazed to hell with the whole Darkshore campaign. Such a deliciously wicked undead Warden.


I’m not sure if she is the perfect candidate to breach the Watchers into the Horde. After all, she was amongst the Forsaken that betrayed the Horde to continue serving Sylvanas.

During the events of Shadows Rising she and Nathanos worked with Zandalari rebels against Talanji, as apart of their own plan to kill Bwonsamdi, which would send the souls he was holding into the Maw. They failed, Nathanos bailed, and Sira was captured, and sent as a peace offering to Stormwind.

She is currently a prisoner in the Stormwind Stockades.


He makes a cameo in the Orc heritage armor questline during the festival in Razor Hill.

Yeah, it’s weird how the guy who literally saved Baine’s life never made an appearance in the game.

Funny you should mention it, apparently Aiden Perenolde actually had a nephew named Isiden.

He made appearances in Day of the Dragon and Beyond the Dark Portal but has no current whereabouts to speak of.

I also wonder how and when Aiden Perenolde died.


Uzork Sandscalp would be first since he is still marked to be alive. Till Blizz says otherwise.

Magatha Grimtotem.

That one blue dragon you save in Blackrock Lower Level.


Looks like Awbee was in Dragonflight. I missed that.


Oh they were? In that case that is off the list.

Me’dan would be hilarious to be honest just to see HOW they’d try to reconcile it.

Stormsong showing up would be cool, the Grimtotem tribe in general need that. Nazgrel should be more important given he was an advisor to thrall and Outlands is kind of just not relevant to anything anymore? At least would’ve been cool to see some allusion to him and Thrall’s confidentiality having him with Saurfang when they were there.

Estulan in Feralas would be fun. Xalan the Feared would be an easy focus of a questline if they revamped Kalimdor as the big Lord of Emerald Flame who had started the War of the Satyr. Itharius probably doesn’t count as ‘forgotten’ because he did at least show up minorly in DF, but he was kind of just window dressing. He is fun because he’s the green dragon who originally was there to say “we ain’t like the reds, don’t test our patience” which for dragon’s would frankly just be a breath of fresh air after DF.

Rogers is like completely absent from everything recently probably because she’s too adamantly anti-Horde to fit the current narrative. But that in itself exposes the flaws of that narrative if they have to ignore characters to make it work, so she should come back. Thargas Anvilmar should be a really big player in Khaz Modan politics, it’d be really interesting for Dagran as a character to chafe under proximity to the ‘ultra-badass mountain king style’ son of the last real king of the collective Dwarven people, because his actual importance feels like it wasnt a consideration for his characterization as a guy who’ll need to try to keep 3 roudy clans with long histories of violence stable and unified under the same roof. Argent Apothecary Judkins would be a cool presentation of an Undead that points out the flaws in the Forsaken conceptually.

In general I think it’d also be a good idea to have some flavor posting NPCs you can interact with for understanding some lore that they frankly just aren’t gonna take the time to put into a questline to actually explain the mechanics of classes and junk from a lore perspective. The obvious problem being they’re likely to just change all of it at a whim lmao.


Thalen Songweaver. That he just vanished off the face of the earth is weird.


I say this often, but I miss how enigmatic dragons seemed before WotLK. Especially the Greens. Like, they’re casting Shades from the Emerald Dream and biting our faces off, some of them are crazed. Now they’re just like… Night Elf Dragons, which means yay nature Druid nature stuff nature nap time nature! It seemed cooler to me when they would only occasionally deign to work with us.


warcraft 3 quip wisecrackin arthas who says things like “get over it already” and “weve come to murder you”
was a great character… where did he go

Yenniku, Vol’jin’s son is a big one.


I was a big fan of the novel Shadows of the Horde. I liked the character Tyrathan Khort. I was stoked when I saw him at Voljin’s funeral - I love when stuff from novels makes it into the game. It makes my reading time feel more connected to my playing time.

I hoped he would have a hand in helping Voljin get revenge, but, he hasn’t. I guess Voljin’s story is not over yet, I am hoping he has a part in it. If the Alliance has to be involved at all, I hope he is their representative.

It’s kind of funny - Tyrathan Khort appears to be an example of a plot contrivance for the Alliance. I heard he wasn’t originally part of the story, but the author felt the story was too Horde centric and there was nothing for the Alliance. So, the author invented Khort whole cloth for the purpose of some Alliance perspective. And I think it worked great. He became an Alliance Character I could like, and I want to see more of.


Characters I’d like to see again:

  • Trag Highmountain
  • Nazgrel
  • Muln Earthfury
  • Jevan Grimtotem
  • The Black Bride
  • Hecular

I knew that. I just wish that he was included more.