Forget your main; what will be your first ALT?

Im creating first and maining a tauren sham probably.

First alt will probably be a mage

Want to heal and also become a tank that can help friends. The faction depends on which side my son wants to play:
Horde: Tauren shaman and Tauren warrior tank
Alliance: Dwarf priest and Human paladin (tanking dungeons only)

I didn’t do alts until WotLK. Even when I had all the time in the world, I didn’t have time for that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shaman… It was my first alt in vanilla as well.

Gonna main a Shaman this time around, so Warlock will be my first main.

A Mage, got to make a bank out of people wanting to traveling everywhere, ya’know. :money_mouth_face:

My first character will actually be my alt. I plan on speed leveling a hunter for fast profession leveling. Then i will level my main with the intent of using my hunter to grind gathering mats to craft pre raid BiS items for my main

Either hunter or paladin.

Another warrior MT for the split raid :muscle:


feelsbadman I hate having all these choices. I might roll a dice from 1-9!

Rogue, or hunter, I’ll need a farmer.

Probably Druid, honestly. It seems like it’s a fun and flexible character. I might still go with Warrior, but either way it’s gonna be another night elf.

Human Paladin
Dwarf Priest
Night Elf Druid

Priest or pally will be main and 1st alt. Druid will be second alt.

My first alt definitely will be Arms warrior.

Lots of druid and paly posts interesting. My first alt will be a gnome, either rogue or lock

An undead rogue on the pvp realm while my main kills scripted monsters, just like every other nerd.

30 Balance/21 Resto hybrid Night Elf Druid is going to be my main, as for alts I probably want to focus on getting 60 first. I have a bad habit of stopping part way through and not going back to finish if I start something else.

Would probably be a Gnome Rogue, though. That was my first character in the 2004 stress test, and I really enjoy having stealth in the open world. Especially on PVP servers.

Some twink that I will camp GY’s with in BGs to drink tears of agony for more power and make me giggle like a maniac.

That is a good way to start the day.

An Orc Shaman and then a Gnome mage.