I don’t care about “gold sink” or the wow economy. Until / unless they reduce botting and gold selling its actually irrelevant.
I’m not try hard and I work M-F and raid Tues / Fri night for a couple hours. I want to be able to respec more often to fill 2 distinct roles; Warrior Tanking and Arms PVP. If you have 6 characters, you probably have a char you pvp on and a character you tank or heal on. Like I said, I’d pay 1000g to unlock free respecs, so I don’t really understand what you’re opposed to?
Naa, I just don’t try too hard in PvP. I’m full boomie.
PvP resto is definitely superior, but this spec doesn’t really feel bad at anything. Would be nice to have feral charge though, especially since I don’t have war stomp.
That’s like saying you need a reference for the claim that the sky is blue. Anything that you spend gold on, where the gold doesn’t go to another player, is by definition a gold sink. This includes flight paths, repair costs, and respec costs. End of discussion. You can disagree, but you’re wrong.
Exactly. It is the same as a WoW subscription. If you raise the cost too much no one will play, and if you lower it too much you can’t make any money.
If people don’t respec, then respec’ing isn’t a gold-sink. While there are some people who respec twice a week, many never do.
In fact, there are many people who never respec, who would respec just to do the daily heroic if respecs were 10g. People are regularly tipping tanks 20-50g(or reserving them the primal nether which is 70-100g). So a 10g respec would cover that, both ways, and more.
The sky can be the reference there, as long as there’s a mutual understanding of what is meant by “the sky” and “blue.”
If that’s the agreed upon definition of gold sink, then sure. I wasn’t arguing that.
I would argue though that if it was intended as a gold sink, you might expect it to be used, as one would expect gear repair to be used. I don’t think that gear repair fees act as a deterrent to playing the game.
In any case, since you have given your definition of gold sink, it’s quite easy to agree with you.
Gold sinking is still a really weak strawman argument. As long as botting is still ravaging server economies by flooding them with raw materials and fresh looted gold, its actually an irrelevant point. “Sinking” 100g from a player is overall negligible on the economy while each bot mines, herbs and pick pockets hundreds of gold per hour 24/7. At least in 2005, you could go do a profession and reliably make gold, now servers are over crowded and bots run 24/7 in instances. Different times call for different approaches.
But that doesn’t solve the problem of my hearth is on CD, and there’s a group in Hellfire looking for a tank for Normal SH.
Excuse me, I’ll tank. …but first I need to fly to Shattrah and use the IF port, respecc to prot. Then I’m going to need two of you to summon me back to Outlands.
…and just forget it if you’re going back to respecc for DPS; they’ll just boot and pick from one of the other dozen or so that are already sitting at the stone spamming for a group.
Its a slow burn, maybe it turns into Shadowlands in 7 major patches and everyone hates it, but it has some massive highs along the way. Maybe we should all lay at the bottom of a pool because life is as good as its going to get. What could be better than now?