Forget dual spec. Cap respec fees at 10g

No problem! I get it and text with no inflections or a complete picture can be misconstrued easily.

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ā€œThe gold sink isnā€™t as effective now, so letā€™s make it even worse!ā€

Also if ā€œEveryoneā€ had a ridiculous amount of gold already, there would be no need to lower respec costs silly!

The inflation it was meant to combat isnā€™t going to happen this time around. The amount of gold in circulation is already too high plus bots arenā€™t stopped at all and have already pumped too many hundreds of thousands of gold into servers. I already talked about what you quoted later but Iā€™ll further elaborate. Dual spec to and from healing specs and tank specs would help with dungeons and allow them to play the game outside of them as well for short amounts of time without feeling burdened by the reality of having to grind an extra x amount of hours to get back to even. I would enjoy it even though I personally donā€™t need it.

I also donā€™t care about aoe mages. Too easy for them anyways.

I agree with dual spec because it has a huge upfront cost, which means you have to be a power user (pvper, tank/dps switch, etc) to utilize it economically, aka still functioning as a gold sink.

ā€œLower respec cost to 10gā€ completely breaks the idea of a gold sink by making it so low you may as well make respecs free.

All MMOs will result in inflation if left unchecked, no matter if theyā€™re 10k bots or zero. Mobs drop gold, mobs respawn, rinse and repeat.

if the amount of gold in circulation is too high why should we give up and remove gold sinks entirely? That seems a bit counterintuitiveā€¦ a weak solution is better than none at all.

Iā€™m fine with either. I donā€™t really see the value in them overall in todayā€™s tbcc. Back in original vanilla and tbc I did and still do think it was effective and useful. But it was a different game.


What Iā€™m saying is that it is relatively a drop in the bucket of the game that hurts specific classes/specs significantly more than others. The rogue having to respec to grind arenas can still effectively farm as shadow step. It might be slower than their raid spec but it will not be a huge loss overall unless they can grind an entire area to themselves. The healer or tank attempting to do the same is at a severe disadvantage from 1) having to respec to pvp and 2) still having to respec to farm. I suppose in some regards this still hurts healers even more because at least MS can kill mobs in a decent amount of time.

As for gold sinks I think itā€™s pretty much a forgone conclusion that for most people itā€™s insignificant now. I would love to say add some more cosmetic things into the game for gold to help combat it a little but we all know that wonā€™t happen. Dual spec or help healers/tanks out would be my wish. But this is probably moot anyways because it wonā€™t happen.

Lol what is the actual train of thought being used here. You admit that the design was supposed to be a gold sink back then based on how we play but then admit we are all just loaded so the gold price really doesnā€™t matter yet you still recommend nerfing the gold cost despite that?

Sounds like gold cap should be increased if anything because I have no idea what the point is of nerfing the gold cost if gold is already so trivial.

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You donā€™t need to be optimized for all content all the time. Stop being so selfish. Stop trying to change the game to suit your whims.

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This might come as a shock to you but you can just throw your DPS gear on and farm that way. Prot can DW devastate spam, and feral tanks honestly donā€™t need a respec to be able pass as a kitty. Pallies might be the most underwhelming, but can AoE farm. As for healers why the hell do you think healing gear was given a plus damage component? For the fun of it?

You know what you can also do if you donā€™t want to respec constantly? Level a farming alt. Lots of people do it.

People in my guild are basically fully bisā€™d out. Almost all of them like to pvp. Why would they ever bother paying 100g for the privilege of respeccing back to pve to tank, heal or dps your heroics when it gets them nothing?

Not my problem in the slightest, but you people are probably the same ones crying about tank and healer shortages.


Feral is basically a gear change. About the only one thatā€™s decent. Paladins arenā€™t bad if you can get an entire area to yourself. Warrior you need to respec. Healers you still need to respec. Yes you can kill things, no it doesnā€™t happen quickly. If youā€™re actually going to farm the difference in kill times is still massive. Just because the amount of gold people have in general has increased doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not more more heavily distributed to the dps who can maximize farming. I realize thatā€™s a tough concept but itā€™s there. Yes people can level alts, I agree. Just like dual spec could be added so people donā€™t have to level a mage or a warlock to aoe grind primals or dungeons.

Yep pretty much same. Near healing BIS across the board. I get hit up all the time to heal someones heroics. I have about 15k gold saved up but Iā€™m still not spending 100g to respec to heal a heroic if Iā€™m feral for farming instead of my normal resto.

Kind of sounds like you donā€™t understand the concept of the word ā€œneedā€

I played a prot warrior in OG and am leveling one now. DW prot is obviously inferior but if you want to save gold it works. I also see plenty of resto druids farming. Theyā€™re the most obvious since they hard cast not in moonkin form.

So clearly somehow others have figured out how to manage without dual spec or respeccing.

Playing the game isnā€™t the same as adding a new mechanic to fit your personal whim.

This dual spec woe isnā€™t even at the same level as something like wbuff meta. Itā€™s not a new issue, we didnā€™t go into classic not knowing that respeccing was going to be a thing. At least with wbuffs had the dynamic of being an existing mechanic that was abused this time around.

But with respecs you have no excuse. You frigging knew what you were signing up for in a game like this. Play the game or donā€™t, but donā€™t act like the game needs to suddenly tailor itself to you because you donā€™t like the way it plays. You are supposed to not have all the solutions at the tip of your fingers, but if you want to you need to play more than others.

And you can pretend that DPS classes have it easy, but the reality is every class could find a good use for dual spec if they had access to it. You think shadowbolt spam spec is an efficient farm spec? Cause it ainā€™t. My Aff build would be far more efficient than shadowbolting one mob at a time.

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I read that and thought the same thing - everyone has tons of gold.

Okay, cool.

We should reduce the cost!


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Are you being deliberately obtuse or does it just come naturally to you in an organic sense? If youā€™re farming as resto or a Prot warrior it is literally taking you 2 to 3 times longer to kill thing and requires more resources be used to sustain. In a competitive environment where spawns are fought over this means youā€™re just not getting any decent amount of mobs.

Yes itā€™s my personal whim. Iā€™m the OP and Iā€™m also every player who has posted this same thing on this board.

Yes you are obviously a treat to be around and people Iā€™m sure love to help your idiotic comment takes out in dungeons as youā€™re in a guild called moar dots where your highest parse average is a 48 and a 59. I bow to your fantastic ability to not even hit a 2 button rotation right.


No I attacked because youā€™re ignoring comments completely and skewing others to suit you while blindly saying healing and tank specs can farm. No sht buddy the comment was theyā€™re not effective doing so. Now I looked you up to see if you knew how to play the game and shocker you donā€™t.

Your woes are not interesting to me. Iā€™ve outlined exactly what can be done to lessen the impact of playing a healer or tank. Disagree if you want but my stance is the situation does not need an additional solution.

You have three options. Farm in resto/tank, respec, level an alt for farming. All three are perfectly viable solutions to your problem so your suggestion of nuking the gold cost or offering dual spec is DOA as far as Iā€™m concerned. The conversation does not need to extend past this.

I wonder what itā€™s like to feel compelled to look someoneā€™s performance up just to berate them in a topic that has nothing to do with it. Like hey man if I was trying to argue the best way to play a warlock then have at it, itā€™s relevant. But thatā€™s not the case so it just makes you look like a sore loser.

If I wanted to raid seriously Iā€™d be playing retail. I happen to like classic a lot more more than just for raiding because the raid fights and class rotations really arenā€™t that engaging.

If I was playing seriously Iā€™d be destro fire and fully enchanted with the best consumables. Iā€™m not even going to pretend I make a serious effort in this game.

And none of that impacts my argument nor is this worth debating with you past it. Attack my performance if you want, I really do not care in the slightest.

Your stance is not important to me. See how that works? I probably have more gold than you but like I said others do not, and if they or hell even I need to farm something seriously or do arena matches then it requires a respec and Iā€™m not spending an additional 100g to help them run a dungeon. Which makes the tank/healer shortage worse.

I would say that your ability to play the game and your willingness to play it has a huge impact on whether or not you should be talking about anything related to dungeons or other classes. It looks to me like youā€™re missing a lot of pre raid BIS even.

Oh I get it. You donā€™t suck youā€™re just not playing serious. Right. So your opinions should be even further discarded since you donā€™t even attempt to try at all.

If the higher the respec cost, the greater the gold sink, then raising respec costs to 1000g would remove 20 times more gold than 50g respecs. But that would only be true if people continued to respec at the same rate.

As we know, when respec costs rise, people are less willing to respec. And if the price is high enough, no one would respec. The question then is, what respec cost would remove the most amount of gold?

When people complain about respec costs, theyā€™re not actually complaining about how much gold they spend to respec. Theyā€™re actually complaining because they feel like the cost is so prohibitive that they canā€™t respec.

Another question is, is a one-time fee of 1000g a better or worse gold-sink than the current 50g per respec?

So, as a warrior, Iā€™ll pay that 1000g in the next 10 weeks if Iā€™m still playing TBC. If there was a 1 time 1000g fee, Iā€™d be able to respec multiple times per week instead of raid logging between raid days as Prot. I think there are plenty of mandatory respec classes that would opt for a 1 time fee.

The better question is, how many people will never spend anywhere close to 1,000g in respecs but would buy dual-spec if offered for 1,000g?

I have 6 characters who are 60+ and I pretty much never respec any of them(most Iā€™ve only respecā€™ed once at max level), but I would buy dual-spec for all of them if it was available.

At least for me, dual-spec would be 100x more effective a gold-sink than the current system.

There are people who respec twice a week, but theyā€™re a small minority of tryhards who are overrepresented on the forums because they donā€™t have jobs and have nothing better to do.