"Forge a pact" quest bugged for some

The issue with that one though was that it would auto-select season 2 content when they created the option for season 4. Little bit different, as with that one we don’t even know if the other two options would have failed had the dialog not auto-advanced.

Broken for me as well. I select which one I want and when I click Okay to confirm, nothing happens.

Tossing my coin into this fountain as well.

Just chiming in here again since most of the post seem able to at least pick the same option as last week, there are also some who can’t pick any at all no matter what. Just hoping blizz sees this and doesn’t think “it’s fine they can pick the old one we’ll fix it later”.

Last week I picked the General. I was unable to pick Weaver or Vizier for this week. It allowed me to pick the General again and I could turn in the quest but I didn’t want to select the General again so abandoned the quest and retook it. Now its just sitting in my quest logs unable to select the Pact I want

Yes, I’m not allowed to forge a pact. Tells me I need to pick one to quest but then it shows me with the General and no quests.

Update: I relogged and reloaded UI, then the quest to pick one finally appeared at the renown vendor. Hope this helps others.

I found a workaround, and no I am not kidding;

Last week I picked the General. When picking it he showed up near the quartermaster and gave a single quest, not part of the weekly, just a ‘go spy there and come back’ single simple quest.

I did that quest on 4 out of 6 of my level 80s.

So, to force the warband flag to cycle, I went on an alt that did NOT do that quest last week, I DID the quest, turned it in to the General, after which I was able to select a different pact since the weekly quest was still available.

I logged on my main and can confirm that I am now on the Vizier for the week

This doesn’t fix the main issue but eh, it worked for me.


I encountered the same issue, but was able to forge a pact after I finished a previously bugged quest where you need to collect truffles.

I was able to choose a different pact after I leveled up renown (I was only 100 away on two of the three so killed 2 rares)… That renown introduced a quest “Absent Errand” so unsure if it was the renown that fixed it or accepting that quest afterwards…unless it was a coincidence that they fixed it as I was doing that.

Picked the same pact as last week and its just stuck and cant complete

Can confirm this serves as a workaround for now, as I leveled up Vizier through rare kills and now I can select a non-General pact.

just worked for me i chose a different pact

So the workarounds seem to be 1) level up a renown via world quests and rares OR 2) do one of the non-weekly quests for one of the three rep spiders on an alt.

I’m not able to do either of those at the moment, so I gave up and just chose the same as last week. Hopefully it gets fixed before next reset.

I can confirm one of the above workarounds.

I just leveled up my Renown with Severed Threads from 9 to 10, was given the quest that rewarded the tabard, and after I completed that…I was able to go back, select the Vizier to form a pact with, and complete “Forge A Pact”.

This allowed me to select someone other than the General that I formed a pact with last week, to form a pact with this week, and works as a workaround for this bug for some reason.

Thanks ill try this out

I have no idea if this helped at all, but I remembered I still had the weekly quest for the Weaver active on one of my alts. I logged onto him and dropped the quest and I was able to forge a pact with the General afterwards.

I didn’t check if I was able to forge a pact before dropping the quest though, so Blizzard may have just fixed this bug while I was sleeping. Either way, I can now continue as I intended.

I logged into alts and dropped quests, and then I was able to forge a pact with a new choice.

I just logged in today on my main and was able to complete with the general.

This bug seems to have been stealth fixed or whatever :slight_smile:

Same, seems to be fixed. I was able to pick Vizier this morning, didn’t have to drop quests or anything, just worked like it was supposed to.

Fixed for me as of 9/3 ~10pm EST.