Forest Troll Race/Customization Megathread

You get a beard! You get a beard! You, there you get one too!

You all get a beard! Lol

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Seriously, trolls would look awesome with beards. I don’t play trolls, but I’d like to see one of the beard choice be fairly long so we can see Wizard beard Trolls running about.


Aye a nice long wizard beard would definitely be welcome.

Even regular stuff though would be nice. Trolls could look really good with beards.

Honestly beards need to be thrown onto all the races at least a little.


If blood elves are getting some better beards then troll and night elves deserve some at least.

Vol’jin looked great with it. Hope we at least get his beard.

Don’t remember getting a notification for this post here hence my week late response

I probably did get one but forgot tbh since I’ve been out of it for the last two-ish weeks

Dwarf women first

Also, taken from this thread:

Likely something that may not take too much time or resources to make. This would help benefit those into transmog and role-players who would want to show off their character’s pride for their particular tribe.

I’m curious what a Revnatusk tabard would look like. Getting an Amani one would be cool too, if Blizzard ever decides to take that route as well.

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How about we also let trolls wear shoes, while we’re at it? What with this expansion being all about “Player customization” and all.


Shoes are for the weak


And the weak are for shoes.

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I wanted to open discussion regarding Troll racials. For reference, the current Darkspear Troll racials are:

Regeneration: Health regeneration rate increased by 10%. 10% of total Health regeneration may continue during combat.

Beast Slaying: Experience gains from killing Beasts increased by 20%.

Berserking: Increases your haste by 15% for 10 sec.

Da Voodoo Shuffle : Reduces the duration of all movement impairing effects by 20%. Trolls be flippin’ out mon!"

If other Troll Tribes would become customization options for Darkspear Trolls, the question would be if any of these racials would need to be changed. For example, Frost Trolls having frost resistance is reasonable, but would every Troll Tribe that joins have an added benefit like this?

If they’re just customization options, I can see them all just having the same racials just to make them easier to implement. I also wouldn’t want, just as an example, guilds to min max the racials in that they require all Troll or Tauren characters to change to Frost Trolls or Taunka just for the frost resistance against a boss that uses frost attacks primarily.

Just wanted to hear people’s thoughts on this.


Add darkspear resistance to Shadow or poison, then add frost with resistance to cold, Forest resistance to
 Nature, sand fire, ect.

As far as min max their is nothing you can do. Minmaxers gonna minmax.


Forest trolls are the only species of troll and one of the only if not the only native race to Azeroth to have such a strong affinity for nature that small vegetation grows on their bodies (I believe it is the only). If forest trolls were to become their own AR, seeing some small flowers/vines on their body would be awesome, or maybe some larger growths of moss. Seeing that vegetation used as a reason to give extra protection against nature damage would be pretty cool too, and would make sense, they’re strongly in tune with nature, nature protects them.

If forest trolls become their own AR they need their own form of regeneration. I’m not too sure how to do that, to be honest. But trolls without regeneration aren’t trolls, they’re imposters.

Same thing as regeneration here, having forest trolls without berserking wouldn’t be right, the first trolls we saw in a WoW game were in Warcraft 2 and they were forest troll berserkers. I suppose a flat 1% haste buff could work, but berserking has been seen as more of a phase you go into while fighting instead of a passive thing.

I guess it could work like entropic embrace on void elves. When in combat you randomly enter a berserking stance, turn slightly red and have your eyes glow red, and whilst in that stance, instead of just randomly doing extra damage, you toss an axe to do your extra damage. So in other words, just a reskinned version of entropic embrace. Damage type of the axe would be different too, and affect people differently. Because it’d almost certainly be physical it’d be weaker than the shadowfrost damage entropic does. Maybe it could last longer to counterract that, or apply a short/weak bleed every proc. That second thing might make it a bit OP, maybe not. I’m not a balancing guy by any means. On the cosmetics, making your character slightly larger would be very cool as well.

I’m pessimistic about that being the case, but it’s possible, and preferable if we’re going to make these customization for Darkspear instead of their own races, which is what they deserve to be. But this :point_down:

is almost certainly going to be the case, sadly.


Also, done some more research. Turns of the Revantusk are not directly in the Horde as I thought, as of yet they’re just in a mutual cooperation pact with the Horde. But considering the dialogue of the Revantusk speakers in Dazar’alor, what the Horde and Revantusk have done together so far, the untold story of the war in the Hinterlands during the fourth war, and the new council, now is the perfect time to fully induct them into the Horde.

With that new research in mind and some racial ideas (and customization ideas) I’m going to update the first post tomorrow, a bit tired at the moment. Also doesn’t hurt to think things over more.

Criticisms before then welcome. After as well of course, but now in particular.


So. New customization options are here

1- No beards. Awful
2- What’s with the highlights? I hope they are optional because otherwise the new haistyles are a waste
3- Tusk jewelry should be its own separate option
4- Add beards


No. Hush go away with this.

In lore Forest Trolls are getting covered with a very thin layer of moos, or algae shortly after their birth. No need to make this laughably bad.
Using their connection to nature and important the Forst could be a good thing though.

I love Forest Trolls since WC2. They are my favorite among the Trolls (even though I like all the tribes). I would be so happy to have them as an allied race. Or at least a dark green skin option for the regular Trolls.

Tribes joining the Horde could be explained so easy after the death of king Rastakhan. Even Amani went to his funeral. This event, the dead of the kink of all trolls and the Zandalari high priests is the perfect opportunity for different tribes to join the Zandalari- Horde alliance.
Trolls were always big on vengeance. It is only fitting they would unite to avenge their king, or work together from prevent this from ever happening again.

With Shadowlands the Alliance is getting all of their WC2 races back. Even High Elves and Wildhammers.
So it’s only fair the Horde should get the originals from WC2 and perhaps the most wanted Trolls back. Forest Trolls.

At least we have Zul’Jin hairstyles.

And actual eyecolors -which I think is the most revolutionary thing for trolls.

I hope there will be more hairstyles because those that troll guys received are super underwhelming.

And also bear option is missing.

For females we also need more hairstyles. These are nicer but they’re still light years behind when it comes to other races. So I hope they will get more hairstyle (and face) options than other races because they together with tauren were always at the bottom when it came to customization options.

You can make a water nymph with these new options:

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  1. Yeah Rokhan needs his WC 3 beard back.
  2. The new hair styles are a waste. There is not a single good one for the males. Perhaps 2 good ones for females. Seems like a joke against troll players.
  3. I agree
  4. We need a green skin.
  5. Different body types like for the undead, or at least faces like the humans have should be a thing.
  6. I wan all tribes to be playable.

That’s not true. Sadly not. I would love an Amani mowhawk.

I mean what’s better than Amani? Nothing.

We’re living in a sad world(of Warcraft) where humans get dreadlocks before trolls.

Is it really that hard to make good looking hairstyles for trolls?


I agree. We are missing the dreadlocks. I was sure we will get some after the humans. Jokes on us

Moss and algae are the two things that have been named, but it’s also been said “simple vegetation”, which could mean vines or plants.

Which is so dumb. It appears trolls might finally start getting some focus so it’s still possible.


Stop this flower nonsense right now.

Then what is it?

Change it white, get a face cover and you have Zul’Jin from TBC.

With the Hots Zu’Jin model though - ye there is no such option yet- but hey we have palmtree option :confused:

As for what is better than Amani? I don’t know I don’t rate troll tribes, I like them all equally. Zandalari, Darkspear, Farraki

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A disappointment and nothing close to Zul’jin, don’t even compare this to our greatest Warlord. This short, I don’t now what to call it hair cut, does not compare to him. Not even to his BC hair cut, no. I prefer his HotS one (nostalgia from back in the days of WC2).

A mowhawk after this example would be nice (for players).
And dreadlocks for sure.