< Forest River> | [H] AREA-52 | Tue/Thu/Mon | 6-9 EST |

| | [H] AREA-52 | Tue/Thu/(Mon - Once SL launches)| 6-9 EST |

Guild Name:
Raid Times: T/Th 6-9PM EST
Current Progression 9/12M
Goals for Shadowland: Cutting Edge

Contact us!
GM: JBerg#11477
Recruiters: Happyfeet#11348 / RotoJak1110 / Fetty#11273

For those of you interested in the our details:

| Who We Are |

is a guild made up of long-time World of Warcraft players and friends who have been killing internet dragons for many years, throughout all of the good (and bad) expansions. After relative success in Legion (as an AoTC / Casual Mythic), and an extended hiatus throughout BFA from the GM, we have reformed with many of the original Keystone (our former guild on Mal’Ganis) core raiders and officers have returned for the rest of BFA Patch 8.3 to finish out the expansion, and prepare for Shadowlands.

Transparency is very important to us. There is no member too big or too small to provide input, backup, or suggestions to our officers. The officers may, at times, break away to discuss things before, during, or after the raid, but will always do our best to provide you the relevant information to what is going on and what we are thinking.

We want to build a large, inclusive community of players on Area-52 [H] - made up of raiders, M+ pushers, PvP’ers and more!

| Raid Days and Times |

We currently raid Tuesday, Thursday, and Monday from 6PM-9PM EST (3PM-6PM PST).
We currently intend for Monday to be a clean up day during progression. Once content is on farm, we would like to use Monday for organized Mythic+ or any other off-night content.

| Current Recruitment |

We are currently recruiting DPS. We do not currently have any limitations on specific classes, specs, or proximity (RDPS or mDPS). Most importantly, we want our members to play classes and specs that they can perform and execute mechanics well on.

Membership is not limited to raiders! If you are looking for a social environment that provides a more stable player base than random communities, is the guild for you! Whether you are M+ pusher (because your schedule doesn’t allow for raiding), a PvP’er, or just a social player who loves leveling alts - We would love to be the guild for you!

| Expectations |

We are all adults, and as such, we expect ALL members (raiders and casual members alike) to act as such. That is not to say, that we don’t “coke and joke” in between pulls and in our off time. We expect that many of us come from varying walks of life and have differing views on a number of things (religion, politics, etc) and that is okay. What is not okay is trying to force one’s beliefs on someone else, or making those persons feel like lesser members for their specific beliefs. There is a time and place for everything - we just ask that discernment is used when determining the right time and place.

| Raiding |

The quick and dirty upfront. We want to kill bosses, and we want to do so in Mythic. So with all of that being said, it is the intent of to earn “Cutting Edge” every raid tier in Shadowlands and onward. We are looking to populate a 22-27 man roster, as certain classes and specs may not be beneficial for certain fights. We are looking for mature and like-minded members who understand and recognize that, and won’t be upset when asked to sit for progression and raid comp.

Additionally, we are looking for 85-90% raid attendance. This attendance policy will be enforced over an approximate 2 month period (the exact time table has yet to be agreed upon). What is most important regarding the attendance policy, is that we request you be respectful to the rest of the raid team and the guild and post out if you know you won’t be able to attend on a given raid night(s) - so we can adjust as needed.

| Loot |

The implementation of the Personal Loot system has simplified many aspects of raiding and distributing loot, minimizing any biases and perceived favoritism with regards to the distribution of loot.

Our policy on loot is simple: If it is not tradable, it is yours. If it is tradable (which can be determined via a number of addons, the one we will be using is the updated RC Loot Council) it will be determined who needs the item most, and then we will look at attendance as a tie-breaking determination. In all decisions, discernment will be used to create a fair raid and loot environment.

| Comms |

We will be using our Discord server as the sole venue for any and all information.

| Contact Information |

If you took the time to read the post in its entirety - thank you. We look forward to hearing from any interested members.

In-Game Contacts:

GM: JBerg#11477
Happyfeet#11348 / RotoJak1110 / Fetty#11273

Currently 11/12H LFM for a mythic roster to close out the expansion and move into shadowlands!

gassed up boys

finish up heroic tonight

Hey guys,

Resto/Ele Shaman main. 3/8M EP and 8/8H EP. Is there any interest for shamans?
BNET Solarbear#11881

Added you on Bnet!

Looking for 2-3 RDPS to finish out Heroic Ny’alotha (currently 11/12H) and establish our mythic raid roster.

Add any of us on BNET if you’re interested or want more information!

Clearing N’zoth tonight.
Still looking for 2-3RPDS / 2-3Melee to help bolster a full 22-25 mythic roster.

Clearing heroic in a 3 hour raid night. Looking to move into mythic this reset or the next if the roster supports.

Looking for dps for our roster!

Bump for 2/12M. Full Clear tonight - add one of us on BNet if you’re interested in applying!

Bump me up, before you go go.

Bump for 4/12
Mythic Monday - coming to an A52 near you!

need more dps.

always looking!

welcome to the riviera my guy

looking for big dps.

finish up alt heroic monday

6/12 now xanesh dead

Brett? lol

Hi all, was curious if you were still looking for RDPS? 432 Destro lock with prior raid experince lookin to do some current raid tier and onwards.

Bnett is Roshamboh#1897 or Roeshambow#6577 on discord.

Thanks for your time!