< Forest River> | [H] AREA-52 | Tue/Thu/Mon | 6-9 EST |

Ra den & drest dead in 1 night 8/12m now

keep up the good work guys!

Looking for dps and 1 healer for the rest of this xpack and moving into shadowlands.

sunday, FUNDAY!

raid night. letsss goooo

Are you still looking for ranged dps?

yes we are. add one of us on bnet.

Thanks Juicedz, I’ve added supremebeef and will chat with them.

you might want to add me (the Gm) or my recruiting officer Happyfeet#11348. Beef is on a leave of absence until SL

Thanks for letting me know, I have added you Juicedz.

still looking for more rdps!

ilgy went smooth first night. we’ll kill it next week for sure.