Forced to do BFA?

Unless I’m mistaken, the BFA lock is only for the dungeons. You can just as well do the zones as they originally came and move on to the next once you’ve reached the appropriate level.

My main gripe with the “new account must play through BfA first” schtick is that you are forced in to doing a linear path in regards to BfA leveling. Heck, you are forced on a linear path for new characters if you choose to do BfA.

Want to start with Drustvar? HA! You need to start with Tirasgarde Sound for Alliance.
Want to start with dunes of Vul’dun? HA! You need to do Dra’zalor (or w/e it is called, been too long since I leveled Horde through BfA that I forgot zone names) for the Horde.

It’s especially dumb since you could start out anywhere in BfA content when BfA was current content. But now? HA! Unless you some how leveled from 1 to 40 in Exile’s Reach, you’re gonna be shoehorned in to a linear path because later zones only unlock at specific levels.

could be worse…they could be forcing Shadowlands content instead


Yeah, if you pick up that intro, it kinda locks you into it. But there are skips for it, in case he gets caught in it again.

Glad it worked out!

First time players (Especially new accounts) are forced to do BFA as the standard New Player experience. Doesn’t matter if you had a previous account (If its entirely separate, IE lack of achievements, progression etc), you have to go through BFA, have a character reach level 60 to get out of BFA content. Its a one time deal. Just don’t decide to change up a class/race as you do so because that will take a LOT longer to get around this.

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Correct. Partially because that’s the way the storyline originally went. Partially because it’s best to not confuse the hell out of players by giving too many choices right from the start.

That was unlocked after we took our first character through.

Yuh apparently in 10.1.5 that will change.

Ugh, don’t give them ideas!

I mean, granted Bastion and Ardenweald aren’t total crap to level through since those two zones look good (enough to look past the story). But Maldraxxus and Revendreath look so garsh darn awful that it makes me want to gauge out my eyes.

Why does Blizzard think that they need to implement super serious grim-dark looking zones?

I mean, I guess the story lines for both Maldraxxus and Revendreath make sense for the zones to look the way they do, but it still looks unpleasant!


Maybe I’m wrong as per the apparently but read somewhere that they’re updating the kinda tutorial thing to take you straight to chromie who will explain how Chromie time worksr ather then sending you to the adventure board

I am seeing this in the PTR notes, but I have no idea what this means:

So you may be right!

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How do you post less than 10 chracters

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I usually type <hidden> but you can type anything between <> and it’ll do the same thing. Just remember mods can see the hidden text, so don’t get cheeky. :wink:


omg this whole time i’ve been adding emojis and things. Game changer


It really is. :grin:

Indeed, the idea is decent.
But it should have been introduced with an easy way to opt out anyway from the start.
Truly new people would not question the path they would be set on.

And at the end of the day, World of Warcraft will not get any truly new people anymore, unless they have friends who play WoW already… so naturally they would have a guide from the get-go.

That’s a pretty big leap. But hey, you do you.

I always use </small> until I have enough.

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Some forum experts here changing my world

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Just a friendly PSA BFA is the best expansion. It is a privilege and luxury to play it. Even though Sylvanus should have never struck first nor planned on burning the tree.

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