Your gently-spoken Orcish words
I have to have some kind of white noise playing like a fan running which helps me sleep.
I love the sound of a fan.
A couple weeks ago a storm knocked the power out here right before bed and I had a difficult time falling asleep without my fan running because it was too quiet.
Ohhhh! Pobrecito! Try a diary.
<looks up Wikipedia article on bat evolution>
Diphenhydramine / Benadryl. The liquid works better and faster than the pills. Starts working within 20/30 minutes. Hard to keep my eyes open after one hour.
For anyone doing this, make sure you have about 8 to 10 hours blocked out for sleep.
Alcohol is actually a bad sleep aid.
I don’t think he’s referring to alcohol.
Invert a couple letters.
Whoops. I focused in on “pub.”
I used to be an insomniac at one point.
Got my best writing in back in those days though. Melatonin helps.
It does absolutely bupkis for me.
Actually my spouse uses a natural sleep aid called “Midnite”… Seems to work pretty well for them. It is also a form of melatonin.
Your mileage may vary; melatonin doesn’t work the same for everyone.
Because you have to trade it out every few months. I rotate between Tylenol PM’s and Melotonin.
Your body can (and does) build up a tolerance of things.
The trick is having to remember to take the darned thing a few hours before you want to sleep. I also read a lot, so I read about 25 pages a night before I’m tired.
If you are woken up by noise: earplugs help.
It never worked for me. I had a period last year where I was getting almost no sleep most nights. I tried melotonin and it didn’t change a thing.
I just take 2 shots of rum .Since I am a casual drinker it will kick in easily for me
meat beat followed by asmr rain against tent
There is a soundbar in my room that is on a ten hour rain and thunder video for this very reason.