What helps you get some sleep?
Watching a movie or show I’ve seen before.
I just wait for the sun to rise and then I get really sleepy
Reading dry material, like a Wikipedia article on bat evolution or something.
extended sleep deprivation
Closing mine eyes and building in my mind a story.
Countless worlds have I dreamt on the cusp of sleep and therein during dwelt.
Sometimes booze.
Usually when its very warm.
And then spend the next 6-12 hours on a WATCH THE WHOLE SEASON! binge.
u know what does it for me CRUG hop on the ol PROT WARRIOR slam some PEASANTS in the arena leave knowing how superior i am
That doesn’t happen to me unless it’s something I’ve never seen. So like I said, I watch something I’ve seen many times.
Just don’t make the mistake of putting on Big trouble in little China town to fall asleep to…I’ve been woken up more than once by the jump scare at the ending.
I usually read comics on WebToon for an hour in bed. Or I read something else.
I sometimes chat with people on discord.
It all helps me wind down.
nothing, or i wouldn’t have troubles
Playing Solitaire on my computer. Eventually my eyes start to unfocus and I can sleep.
That og ku$h
playing WoW.
Tossing and turning and contemplating the meaning of life while looking at my ceiling / walls until I eventually pass out.
if i knew i wouldnt be having trouble
probably just staying awake a long time til i get sleepy
This also helps. Provided not in the way Shadina explained. I won’t get into more details, but I think you can figure it out.