For those who hate the WoW Monk, what chnages do you want?

Yes elixir drinkers and brawlers are famously the only two types of martial artists possible in fantasy.

For the monk class, yes, because that was literally the class fantasy behind them. It is based off chinese mythology.

That’s like saying “why do warlocks play with souls? I don’t like that aspect of them”

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“You can’t change the class fantasy because that’s the class fantasy.”

lol okay

Blizzard could literally make the monk whatever they wanted. The concept of a monk isn’t so tied into drinking that they couldn’t make a monk without it, case in point almost every single other martial artist in fiction. If they just made the tank spec Niuzao themed there wouldn’t have been a single person saying “this doesn’t make sense why isn’t the monk drinking anything?!” It’s part of the lore because they kept the meme alive from the RTS, there’s literally nothing so mutual inclusive to drinking and martial arts that Blizzard couldn’t just make their monk spec fight with whatever theme they wanted. The brews/teas are completely disposable to the concept.

Again, you are just saying things that go against the fantasy of the class they had in mind. Sorry but that isn’t going to happen.

They literally made the monk spec, even all the way back in W3, based off on journey to the west. Brews are are very important to the fantasy because it gives energy, healing and in some cases, immortality.

That is why they are called elixirs. That is the fantasy behind the brews.

Something about Mistweaver resonates with me

All things that come from other sources in the setting already, including animal spirits like the celestials already associated with the class. Your entire argument is just “you can’t change it because Blizzard wanted it that way” in a thread literally asking about what changes people would want.

If they dropped the drink motif people would only be upset because it’s the way things had been until now, nobody would be saying that their abilities now somehow don’t make sense without drinking, because the drinking literally adds nothing narratively. There’s already a spec that doesn’t have drinking, just make the other two like that with a different theme and you’re done. There’s literally 0 reason why drinking is a part of that class other than that it’s a part of the class.

This and a lot of the summoning abilities they have now kind of kills it for me visually.

I mean, it was based on a joke class from War3. If they removed the drink motif it would remove the war3 theme.

But it does add narratively as stated already, which you ignored. But okay, keep beating on that drum.

The brews are literally enchanted. If that didn’t come out to you while playing the class or lvling in MoP than I don’t know what to say. Staggering, purifying brew, elixir talent etc.

All based on the narrative of the brews being enchanted in one form or another, which is based off chinese mythology.

And the joke was literally based on Journey to the west as well. All have things called enchanted alcohol or teas, to heal or purify ones body.

I think I always imagined monk and brews similar to the old Jackie Chan Drunken Master movie.

I’m totally fine with that, give me more brews.


It is, and the old drunken fist stuff has a lot of mythos behind it as well.

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Like a Friar type class (DAOC).

Monk is loosely based off this clip of the ancient Chinese martial art of Kung Fu

You’d also remove players wanting to play a martial artist from having to play a joke, which for a historically unpopular class would be a net positive.

Trust me, it isn’t the brews that keep people away. It is the animations and bad damage or just bad tanking.

They add the fact that they exist, nothing more. A monk losing the brews would lose nothing other than the brews. Attribute their energy and healing to celestials and voila, a martial artist class that doesn’t force players to be a meme.

Storm, Earth and Fire comes from Warcraft 3, it’s Chen Stormstout’s ability.

The brews aren’t a meme, only you think that. That is part of why people like brewmaster, if only they didn’t suck at tanking. Also, the brews are enchanted by the celestials, that is part of the brewing process. That is why their brews are magic in nature, like in the mytholoy that they were based off on.

You’ve already replied to someone else calling it a joke so the pretend ignorance on the meme front isn’t going to fly.

That is part of why people like brewmaster

“That’s why people like the least popular tank spec”

Also, the brews are enchanted by the celestials

Thank you for at least acknowledging the brews pointless redundance in that regard. Progress at least.