Ive seen a few people say that the wow version of monk is a bad iteration. If thats you, what do you want to see them add to Monk in WoW to make it better?
Im well aware lots of people love the WoW monk and thats great. But im curious what others think.
Spinning Crane Kick is just silly. My ww monk looks like a ballerina on speed doing that spell. Flying Serpent Kick can take me straight off a cliff or platform. Wish there was a way to make it smarter or have a very slight curve to it that makes you turn back towards your enemy.
I am not partial to Fists of Fury, it looks silly, but not sure how it could be fixed. Ww monk just feels awkward sometimes to play, but its a cool spec.
Where does Storm Earth and Fire come from? Was some iteration of this borrowed from another game and made a part of the monk arsenal in WoW? It’s always seemed a bit odd and out of place to me.
Some kind of recognition for pre-panda monks like the Scarlets and Auchenai. It’s dumb pandas came in and essentially erased all other monks from the game.
Also having staff fighting style. Having staves just sit on their backs and never be used is dumb.
Still baffles me folks hate the class so much. Is it really because of stuff like the animations? I thought it was just because it’s been bad for a while. Mistweaver was good for a minute. Brew has been butt (Or not broke tier) in M+ for a while. Windwalker just can’t seem to catch a break. Etc.
Tell you what animation I really hate, is Fists of Fury. They should change it to be like the diablo 3 monk’s seven sided strike. Which is not too dissimilar to demon hunters’ blade dance.
Overall I love it. They made all three specs distinct from one another, even down to their fighting pose animations, and all the aesthetics look distinct. Monks are also the most mobile class in the game, which gives them a standout niche on speed-based fights like G’huun or Xy’mox, and they bring unique utility even on non-mobile fights through Mystic Touch, Ring of Peace etc.
My main criticisms of Monk are:
Mistweaver’s flavor/power source is still unclear to me. Is it special medicine/tea? Is it nature? Is it heavenly power? Where do the “mists” even come from, and why do they work outside Pandaria, let alone being powerful enough to be on par with The Light, The Elements, or The Emerald Dream?
Why do they only have three specs? They draw their power from 4 Celestials/compass points. They should have a spec tied to each one, rather than Mistweaver awkwardly shoehorning two playstyles into one talent tree. The most obvious hole for them is a ranged spec, but failing that, I’d have liked for them to have an offensive healing spec (Chi-Ji) and a defensive healing spec (Yu’lon) similar to Disc and Holy for Priest.
I kinda wish they wore cloth instead of leather, but I understand why giving them leather made the most sense design-wise.
I guess 2/3 of these complaints are aimed at Mistweaver in some way, but they’re ultimately minor.
If you want to do wuxia with actual weapons, your best bet unfortunately is to roll Pandaren for the weapon animations and pick a different melee class entirely, like Warrior, DK, Surv Hunter, or Enhance Shammy. 2H weapons on Monk are glorified stat sticks, and the 1H weapons aren’t much better.