It’s an oversimplification but I just meant a kung fu aesthetic.
Pandaren basically give you monk-flavored weapon animations without being monks. Give a Pandaren Warrior or DK a 2H sword compared to pretty much every other race and you’ll see what I mean.
No I love the concept of the Monk, and am sad they don’t use the staff to attack. Monk, to me, is like Arms warrior, but with no armor, and no anger. It’s a beautiful concept that is ruined by the “lol, isn’t this hilarious” attitude of the MoP era.
The class style is a sore point with me. Hard to take “flinging kegs of beer” or “waggling my fingers while chugging tea” seriously. In fairness, at least some of that is influenced by my general disdain for most of the pandaria expansion, so, take that for what you will I guess.
The rotations though, the base concepts weren’t all that bad… A different form of HoT focus via mistweaver, and the whole stagger concept for brewmaster, were interesting. But the theme … hard to regard monks as anything more than an unfortunate/running joke.
Too much to fix imo. They don’t feel very WoW like for me. It felt more like I was playing a live action Kung Fu Panda game than I was playing WoW. MoP Remix super fun, MoP orignal…not so much. And the monk in that expac had so many people mad thinking it was the next hero class but it wasn’t. Monks, one of the lesser played classes in WC3 made it into WoW. Mists of Kung Fu Panda.
Whenever I am out in the world content or doing delves I get great damage, but ww monk doesn’t do well in those mythic raid rankings that wowhead does once a month. I wonder why that is.
A Xuen (tiger) version of spinning crane kick would be HEAT. It could either be a talent point or a passive empowerment of crane kick that rewards chi spent. WW doesn’t need another CD.
Thinking of a white version of “The Hunter” ultimate (D4).
Ok then. I like lots of things about it, was giving the OP the animation styles I don’t care for, that turned me off from trying the spec, especially Spinning Crane Kick. Doesn’t mean I don’t like monks. I’m sure I’m not the only one turned off by some of the monk animation, as it’s not a very popular class in the game.
I started the alt towards the end of DF and don’t know everything. Flying Serpent Kick I didn’t know you could push twice to stop yourself from flying off a ledge. So thank you for educating me. I try new alts all the time, and won’t be abandoning my monk.
As for your in-your-face attitude: We were having a nice conversation in here until you showed up with your agro confrontional energy. Take it down a notch.
Honestly the whole conjuring a mystical keg of ale and smashing it on my enemies kills it for me. It’s just way to silly. I was really looking forward to Monks back in the day and am still utterly disappointed with Brewmaster.
It isn’t? I haven’t seen the lists for WW and MW. I know Brewmaster has issues, so we see less of them.
Those who aren’t playing Monk are usually because of the rotation mechanics and how well they’re doing in the content. Not what their animations look like. But I get what you’re saying.
I literally just learned yesterday that I could hit Death Gate a second time to return to where I was. So you’re not alone in these things!
Bwuh? I wasn’t giving attitude. I was just having a conversation, giving my opinion and some information in the process.
For me, I’m not a fan of Rogue animations. Never have been. It’s one of the reasons why I don’t play them. I’m just saying Monk might not be your thing for similar reasons. Which is totally fine.