If you’re getting them right now to work towards the achievement for flying, I found this comment on Wowhead that may help. And then you can wait until after you get flying to get the other treasures:
Also, here’s the article on what’s needed to unlock flying:
Doesn’t help me since I heard they are a pain sometimes to get to or do the disappearing act lol. But thanks for clearing that up.
Oh no, I assumed as much and thanks for that since I know SOME people will appreciate it. I just am still annoyed that;
a. a flying achievement [pathfinder part 2 in another terms as I put it] is needed
b. badly designed jumping puzzles done by Blizz were said to be necessary
But seems it’s not necessary and you can get the achieve via other treasures if I read what Maizou wrote, correctly.
A lot of us like the jumping puzzles. And they aren’t required to unlock flight. Nothing’s stopping you from obtaining those puzzle treasures after you obtain flight.
If this was, say, Argus, or the Timeless Isle, where flight was never coming, then complicated jumping puzzles like this would be no bueno. But there’s nothing wrong with a puzzle for people who like them that becomes trivialized later on for everyone who doesn’t.
I don’t know, it was quite satisfying when I finally got the jumping on the balls one just outside Haven or the one where the treasure is buried under some rocks and I figured out you have to give the tool to the little wisp thing and he gives you a hammer to break the rocks.