I posted last night about getting banned in WoW. After sending three tickets in total, I am now unbanned. However, I don’t think the ticket itself solved the problem.
The GM messaged me directly on my other WoW account, and now it’s unbanned.
They admitted they made a mistake.
Try the traditional way of resolving the ban (ticket).
That would be incorrect. This was in response to your ticket.
There is only one way to appeal an account action for review - and that is through an appeal ticket.
Sometimes, unfortunately, it may take more than one. An appeal is for a fresh set of eyes to look each time.
False positives can happen, I’ll be the first to tell you that - but that’s why we have an appeals process.
I would also say, false positives are rather rare. We process thousands of accounts a month from cheaters and exploiters. Sometimes a license will get caught up in those.
I know that is not terribly comforting when the account in question is yours. I do apologize for the inconvenience.