congrats this is what you do to us pugs !
congrats this is what you do to us pugs !
they know, they dont care. They have to pad their w/l ratio.
tbh its just dumb that it even starts the game this way
I really don’t know why they can’t add join as raid option, then just let solo players/small groups fill in what’s left over, probably something an intern could code over the weekend into their queue system. It would also stop this kind of stuff, it also lets premade continue to exist and evens matches, making it better for everyone. Instead they’d rather focus on solo queue RBGs which I’ve only seen very few posts ever ask for.
I suspect they don’t know how the original code works, they fired all those developers.
Easier to just make a new mode.
It’s not that they can’t. They don’t want to add it.
During the OG Ashran, Blizzard enabled a join as raid option. They saw and were reminded what happens when you mix premade raids with pugs in the same bracket.
Premade raids roflstomp pugs.
If a premade goes against a stronger premade, the weaker one leaves the game. They go find another game against pugs.
Ashran turned into join a premade raid or get roflstomped by one.
We didn’t end up with lots of competitive Ashran games. We ended up with completely one-sided games with premades dodging other premades.
To improve the PvP experience in Ashran, Blizzard disabled premade raid queuing. They went back to the normal setup for unrated games. Premades 5 and under.
No it wouldn’t. Premades would send in a scout to see who they’re going against. If it’s a stronger premade, everyone else will drop queue.
Premaders might not want to admit this, but many premades just want easy wins versus pugs. When they encounter stronger premades, they’ll desert or lose quickly so they can get to the next game and enjoy feeling powerful against a random pug team.
Sending in scouts, especially in unrated games, has got to be one of the most pathetic thing lol
If people don’t believe me:
I absolutely believe it, just can’t get over the mental image of epic premaders sweating over their microphones and keyboards while waiting for the recon report of their scout to accept a queue pop
That happens now lol, that’s the entire point of this post, if it’s been happening since OG Ashran, you think they will try to change it to eliminate premades now? They won’t, a compromise is far better than doing nothing.
Not really, based off most of the posts from premade leaders in this forum, they want to fight other premades, it just makes games more balanced. The system is just garbage for matching them. If it’s RAID against RAID, if one skips, then the next one will take it’s place.
youd be surprised from what ive witnessed from my time being in communities , it happens more then u think it does lol. Then thats how the he said she said drama starts because of double agents lul . Its sad tbh .
Enabling premade raid queuing would make matters worse.
Blizzard ended up disabling premade raid queuing in OG Ashran to improve the PvP experience for pugs.
Well, that’s not the reality of what happens when you mix premade raids with pugs in the same bracket.
We end up with premades dodging other premades and more imbalanced games. The bracket turns into join a premade raid or get roflstomped by one.
the entire point of my post is really to show what happens when there is party sync q premades , seeing how some around here have said it doesnt effect pugs when it does .
So your solution is do nothing? Enjoy making anti-premade threads for the next 10 years.
I’ve suggested enabling cross-faction teams and adding a hidden MMR.
you should know my now that holy is the queen of making many anti premade suggestions
If premades wanted to fight other premades, why don’t they? They can use the same method they already use to sync 30-40 player groups to just sync two such groups, one for each faction.
If premades wanted to fight other premades, you’d see them making a new post here every day asking for a 30v30 premade versus premade queue for epic battlegrounds.
Wargames are still a thing? Though I don’t remember if they are available for epic battlegrounds or not. Maybe ask for epic wargames.
If premades really preferred fighting other premades, they would find a way to make it happen or they would ask Blizzard for it. Look at these forums, how many new topics have been started by a premade leader asking specifically for a premade versus premade mode for epic battlegrounds? Not many.
idk ask them im no longer in communities lol so i have no idea , last time i was in a community no wargames happened even tho i was excited for them . It was always something. Whinny ppl had to ruin it and wargame was cancelled or we didnt have enough ppl to do one because someone had disbanded the community and they were rebuilding so we didnt have core ppl yet to even make one .
Maybe they should bring back “Not Enough” players at the start and port everyone out. The Epics that dictate the outcome of the game (Hanger, SR, Roc) needs addressed with these mismatched starting ratios.
Now I’m not against premades since I was part of that for a long while. Playing with friends is cool, but something needs to be implemented.
i mean they do it for ashran i think or at least classic ashran brawl they def could do it for all epics