For those that say party q sync premades are not bad

Most people don’t use the forums. Discords are where most of the chatter is.

its either discord or community chat tbh

Pretty much par for the course. I came back to WoW not too long ago. My only interest is PVP. Trying to gear up with a couple different characters. In BGS, at least epics, I have faced premades in the last 8 games straight. Random BGs one or two premades but my team is always vastly outgeared. And running arenas you face people fully geared and 1800-2k rating. This is making me rethink my sub. No, I’m not going to join a premade. That shouldn’t be a mandatory thing to play a game I pay for. As someone who has been in the game since the very begining its sad to see the game I’ve loved come to this.


As for our premades, we try to end games against pugs as quick as possible, we do not like farming pugs. We just did a wintergrasp in like 2:47 minutes recently. Now against other premades, we love showing them what pure damage can do.

Grats on joining one of the stronger premade raids.

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I think the best option at this point is to have cross-faction battleground matchmaking. Given the downward spiral of the attitude within and between communities in recent months I support this.


This what one of the Xleaders of sas wanted, the other monk one. He wanted the rivalry between alliance and horde, blue and red. Even kept bishing about not wanting the alliance merc queing with us. This is what he wanted.

Lmao who actually cares about faction at this point?

Even blizzard has essentially done away with them and virtually every restriction they had


Exactly. Thank you. But he petty like that.

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i think it is the future, but it does need to be done correctly so that communitys, premades, and large coordinated groups are not discouraged. the socialization, teamwork and comradery is really what MMOs are about and modern community drama feels like the pvp version of the massive guild rivalries of vanilla.

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