that could be fixed by 1) no afk flying (if character is idle on flying mount for more than 1 minute, it logs you out) and 2) as soon as you land, it goes on a cooldown that restricts flight for 30 seconds at least. that gives time for world pvp, and 3) make ground mounts faster than flying mounts.
In M+ high keys, the pull speed and size is such the healer has to consume a lot of mana and drink when they can. I personally despise speedruns so I never bothered with keys past what was necessary for my weekly chest to be decent.
You also ignore the fact I’ve killed Mythic bosses, and a number of them well before they were outdated.
Or they implement a system where players can pick which of their flying mounts they would like to use as their flight path mount. I think flight paths are good for this game because players have to use their ground mounts to get to them. I’m sure I’ll get an outrage type response for that idea, but I’m okay with that.
oh i like that idea. alot.
I’m not “ignoring” it, I’m sure you have killed a couple of mythic bosses, there are always 1 or 2 in each raid that are easier than the later heroic bosses. But have you killed any difficult mythic bosses? I’m going to guess no, because to do requires being in an actual hardcore raiding guild, you don’t just YOLO your way through Mythic Jaina or Helya etc.
Careful what you wish for.
Developers take an idea like that. Roll it around on the ground. Play musical chairs with it.
Next thing you know:
Worldof Warcraft: Cataclysm
Wait, that’s not what we ask…
Roslynn was referring to Recruit a Friend…RAF xp bonus was 300% once upon a time…and you could grant your lowbie friend levels to catch up if they missed out on logging in for a few days. The end reward was the mounts like that 2 seat rocket, the zhevra mount, etc.
I’ve done a fair bit in heroic MSV and ToT and mythic SoO, and M EN. Again - I haven’t raided seriously or hardcore and you seem to think that you need to in order to get CE. CE is Heroic, isn’t it? That’s not terribly difficult. It’s mostly time and a decent guild, both of which I don’t have the patience for.
I don’t even play modern WoW, and I never once said you can just, “YOLO” through Mythic anything. I didn’t even say Classic content was harder than any of that. Pretty sure I said the opposite.
My whole reason to not really play retail is the sense of disconnectivity amongst players at a high level. In general when I’m out questing it feels more social, more interactive when I see others and we’re just like “hard quest, group up?” And sure, if you play together for a while you might add each other’s bnet but to be honest? My Bnet list feels a lot like a Facebook friend’s list lmao and I dropped facebook too eventually.
I also missed old content when I stopped playing for a few months. Missed 2 raid tiers, came back, was cool there is a catch up mechanic but the grind…just sucks. Yeah I know Classic is gonna be grindy but I’m at least having fun with it. I just can’t put my finger on it…oohhh yes the absolute necessity of the dailies to get anywhere. I’ve been doing my dailies since they were introduced in TBC. Vanilla had dailies but they weren’t necessarily marked “dailies”. Now if I want to do the most current raid I have to get AOTC to get into normal (or at least on my server it’s like that) + some ilvl that I can eventually achieve through the welfare system.
Classic feels chill, somewhat difficult but not quite (still in the lowbie range) Retail feels so…rushed. Everyone is rushing to the next big thing. I don’t get that feel from Classic.
Well, except I’ve played retail, thanks. I quit WoW because it wasn’t fun. I’m aware of how it feels to play .
No thanks i don’t want free epics just for logging on like you do
No. CE is Mythic. Said it like 10 times now.
Is that how it works now? Why do they keep changing it? When I was playing, it was Heroic. There wasn’t one for Mythic IIRC. But just because I don’t have current CE doesn’t mean I’ve never raided hardcore before, nor have never done a high level raid.
Your strawman arguments are getting kind of annoying when you ignore any response I say.
Same here. I don’t mind expansions. I don’t see them as “resetting” progress, since your progressing. just not in a raid format (at least). They also allow for more impacting changes to classes, which could destabilize current content. Although at a point, expansions start to make the early game much more irrelevant. I started to feel this once Cat hit. TBC and Wrath I still felt a connection to the lower tier content, even though it went a bit faster.
To me it’s all about mechanics. LFG, LFR, talent revamp, world revamp, it all turned the game into something that wasn’t what I fell in love with. the only recent expansion I played was Legion, and that’s pretty much because it in essence gave me a talent tree back (a.k.a. class weapons). in many ways it felt like a revamped TBC, which was my favorite expansion.
Many of the small QoL aspects of retail I like, and if I were to envision a classic + (not supporting it mind you) it would involve those small things, like extra mailboxes and flight points, new animations, etc. but the core of the game changed over time, and I don’t like it.
Now a “wipe” could be a beneficial thing, and as classic evolves (a.k.a. they add expansions to certain servers), I could easily see new vanilla servers at each stage of the expansion cycle, prompting new starts and experiencing the full cycle again, and that would be cool. Much like leagues in Diablo3, or Path of Exile. Fresh starts always attract people. But I just don’t think it will be retail if it every happens.
Or… Maybe you just got REALLY REALLY lucky!
You should probably play the lottery more.
This is because of the fact that WQ gear rewards only scale so high vs your current item level. Heroics get that item level up faster, so that the WQ rewards will be a better upgrade.
It’s also easy enough to skip normal dungeons and go straight to heroic, if not Mythic dungeons. I know, I mostly did it.
Sad to say…but it’s true. Mythic dungeons seemed much harder in WoD and Legion than BFA however
I think they were to be honest. Blizzard is going wholesale on M+, and I hate M+, so… fun.
Yeah M+ is the equivalent of G. Rifts in D3…eventually you reach a point where you burn out and it’s not exciting anymore