For those of you avoiding retail, would you play retail content on pristine realms?

Fix professions to not be useless, no flying to promote world pvp, bring back actual class trees like classic and the design where not every class can do everything. Pair that up with the other changes listed in op and i would consider it.

Go playing your garbage dying version of WoW instead of crying on the Classic forums about how much better it is.

Retail sucks grow up its just a game.

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Kind of ironic for you to tell him to play a single player game, because that is what modern wow feels like.

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Ill give you this, but the skill floor in retail is far lower then in classic

When was the last time you DIED while leveling in modern wow?

He doesnt need too. Modern wow is an mmorpg in name only. Classic far outstrips modern wow in player interactions and class identity/flavor.

If there has been no wPvP this expansion in retail with warmode there never will be. You guys are living in the past and don’t even make sense anymore.

This expansion. If you don’t go into the expansion with raid gear some classes/specs struggle.

In fact, it isn’t much different in classic. If I keep up with my gear my classic character wouldn’t die either but my gear is 20/30 ilvls behind since other than the starter area I have got ZERO gear from quests.

Plenty of places you can die in classic even in adequate gear.

Sure if you are stupid but the same thing applies in retail.

When have you actually played retail last ?

Umm no,
Caster mobs can regularly lay waste to people, a bad runner, mob spawn, getting parried/dodged/resisted can all lead to death.

In retail you have to be downright idiotic to die.

Last time i played retail? December before my account expired because its homogenized garbage


Hasn’t been my experience in classic but I haven’t played all classes yet - just 4 so far.

Never had a mob run at low health and agro something near by?
Never get an unlucky string of parries, misses, dodges, or resists?
Never had mobs respawn on you? Especially in a cave?
Never had the defias pillagers or the murlocs in south darkshore eat you alive?

Man you have some luck.

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If you think I’m talking about raid difficulty you’re completely missing the point.

I’d way rather play pristine than retail. People enjoyed all the perks that retail slowly got, but they’re all too much. They destroy the fun of the game.

Not one chance in hell. No, I wouldn’t. I haven’t liked the direction the game was taking since the pre-patch for Crapaclysm. And nothing they’ve done since then has improved my outlook.

Why? Well, one over-riding reason is their game philosophy of “to make the next expansion, it is necessary to make everything prior to that completely irrelevant.” It is NOT necessary to tear apart what went before, in order to add something new. All that is required is imagination, innovation, and creativity to CONTINUE the adventure. I’m pretty sure those qualities no longer exist in the hallowed halls of Irvine.

For me, THAT is what retail development has come down to … a near lack of any meaningful continuity. For example:

  1. The only reason to have to relearn your class is to acquire NEW skills, not relearn it so you can play it with FEWER skills or nerf’d skills.

  2. A game that started out with content heavily reliant on interaction among the players (cooperate and graduate) rapidly deteriorated into a single-player game (everyone go their own way). They took an MMORPG and turned it into a FUBAR’d FPS. It might as well be turned into a stand-alone, OFFLINE game, with an option to go online for dungeons and raids.

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Sure but unless you are pushing mobs higher level than you, you can handle that.

You remind me of the druid I saw today lvl 34 trying to kill lvl 37 elites.

This happened fighting stuff my own level…

This is what makes that a little hard to believe.

Do you actually play classic? Look at these forums, people have complained about those. warriors and rogues come to mind