For those of you avoiding retail, would you play retail content on pristine realms?

For retail to get me back or would need to revert to the old school mechanics, talent trees, and combat feel. I haven’t had fun in retail (except as a tourist) since Panda Express when everything got revamped. Cataclysm was almost the tipping point.

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no. as stated to me retail has gotten worse over the years. i’ve gave it many chances since WoD just kept disappointing me.

the biggest issues i hate are 1. tired of running dailies tbh especially for rep to get flying 2. tired of M+ if i wanted to do timed content i wouldn’t mind but i feel and am forced to do M+ to stay competitive and that is a fact. 3. im tired of people wanting carries in every single thing. be it M+, raiding, w.e. you state X ilvl to join which typically is an extremely high ilvl to steamroll then when we start people are garbage at least in classic you just need to be minimum level and nobody cares 4. pugging anything in retail is utter hell and for me i almost always need to pug content because of the time zone i live in and my work field despite i am in a guild i can’t always make the days/times they raid and they are not always friendly in the sense it’s a guild yes but they are not willing to be an actual guild unlike in classic and doing group runs together.

to me classic has a better community feel thus making the game better where as retail everyone is just doing w.e. they want and only care about themselves. the story in retail is fine imo it’s just the community aspect as well as the basic stuff that is “mandatory” to stay relevant in end game content. we all got lives outside of the game we can’t always dedicate X amount of hours raiding or farming content hardcore to keep up with retail. been there done that im burnt out from that type of gameplay

retail sucks the end we don’t want it

Lul whut? DK’s were on BOTH sides when Wrath came out. The only correct part of that statement was shamans. In order for Horde not to have BEs that means the Alliance would need to lose the Draenei

No, I wouldn’t play retail on fresh servers. I’ve tried project 60 guilds, and the people are fun. But the game just isn’t for me. Yuck to class/spec design while leveling in retail. And gear stinks too, way too few stats to be exciting. too much gear can be substituted for other gear of same item level, just gross.

How would that address the loss of server community or the problem you see as cross-realm play, given that each server’s population is a small fraction of what it was back in wod?

Most servers would be so dead no one would ever be able to run an instance.

No. I haven’t touched wow sinced Cata dropped and i only came back for Classic. Once i’m done with Classic i’m fine going back to not playing WoW ever again. For me to ever play retail seriously again they would have to remove: Flying, LFG, LFR, cross realm anything, arena, welfare epics, blood elves, draenei and so much more. They would also have to drop the max level back down to 60.

But they won’t do any of this so no i won’t play retail.

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So for you to play “retail” again they’ll have to eliminate retail and rename classic as retail, removing many things you’ve only heard of but are sure you would hate, including most of the playerbase.

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Yes. Screw retail and all the people who play that garbage.

I played retail back in early bfa and find it insufficient in many respects.
It does high skill level raids and dungeons well (aside from an over reliance on fast reflexes).
However it falls short in that classes lack distinct identity and flavor. They pushed bring the player not the class so hard that everything is similar.

There is more i dont like about retail but its been discussed before.

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I’m sure a lot of people would say that about you wanting to destroy the game and eliminate the playerbase in order to “purify” it.

My version of the game was destroyed by casuals almost 10 years ago and now its back. I don’t care what happens to the people who complained on the forums and ruined the game i loved.

So yeah screw retail and its players.

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“Your version” of the game was not “destroyed by casuals”. It was never a possibility to eliminate all “casuals” in favor of a playerbase comprised of people who really enjoy inconveniences and value them over gameplay.

If you want to be playing a single player game, there’s plenty of them out there. If you want the devs to change this one into one that hardly anyone will still be subscribing to, it would be a really bad business decision to listen to you.

People as antisocial to you should not be paid attention to.

Your the type of people i hope will crash and burn with retail.

There is content in ‘retail’ that is far more challenging than anything in classic. So I am not sure where you are getting this from.

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You will. I will not. You cannot adapt to the present. I have.

I just don’t like eating casual garbage. Like i said if Classic runs its course i’m cool with never playing WoW again. Hell i haven’t touched it in 10 years until now so i don’t really care in the end. I got to play the real version of WoW one more time with full servers, i don’t need anything else.

Do what you must i have already won

You are illustrating my point perfectly. You think the overwhelming majority of human beings are “garbage” who ought to be eliminated from a frozen-in-time game they should rename as retail.

No. You have won nothing.

You enjoy garbage thats cool. Lot’s of creatures on this planet love garbage.

Why do you even come to the forums? To show off how antisocial and intolerant classic lovers are? What kind of community do you think a group of people like you would even foster?

You pollute this forum with your intolerance and hatred of humanity. I’m out of here. Have a nice life.