For those of you avoiding retail, would you play retail content on pristine realms?

No, pristine realms don’t give back abilities that were removed, give us back raid sets, or any numberable other things that ruined wow for me

No. Retail is not fun at all and holy crap there are just too many reasons to list as to why that is in one post and I feel like I’d be wasting my time to even do it. I’d complained for quite a while about the state of my class before I quit during cata and how I was upset with the changes and they didn’t care then and they don’t care now. When I came back during Legion because a friend bought me a copy and a sub I couldn’t believe how horrifically they’d trashed the spec I enjoyed and how much I hated the game as a whole.

For some, there might have been SOME joy, but for me it was agony and I’m so glad the guild self destructed so I wouldn’t have to continue playing as an obligation to my friend.

Nothing could ever get me to go back to retail, it died for me in WOD with garrisons and tables and just became a completely different game.

Not interested in FaceBook games and Barbie dress-up.

I’ll stick with Classic.

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It’s just too much, I also found the new zones to be irritating and restrictive. Travelling on the ground shouldn’t feel like a chore.

I absolutely agree. It’s neither fun, challenging nor productive. It’s just annoying.

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Modern wow has a much lower skill floor (leveling and world content, heroic dungeons and below, and normal and lfr raids) but a higher ceiling.
Classic wow has a higher skill floor but a lower ceiling.

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Here’s my take.

So many haters of Retail.

Look at Classic. Why are these people loving it? They dont mind the frustrating mechanics. They dont mind the grinding. They dont mind running on foot… grounded… not flying. People love the journey in leveling. And once they made it to level 60, they make another toon and very happy to do it all over again with their alts. It seems many of Classic people enjoy the casual end game… just reach max level… maybe some Molten Core and Onyxia. AQ40 and Naxx40, I dont think they have interest on it. As long as their journey from level 1 to Ragnaros is good, it makes the major player population love Classic. These people are simple. They dont like Mythic+ becoz they would just be left behind. I am not saying that Blizz should remove AQ40 or Naxx40 or the Heroic/Mythic Raiding of Retail. Just leave it right there. They are still loved by few but serious players. To me, Blizz just have to concentrate on making leveling a fun journey. They have to make a good impression at start (on leveling) or they would lose people. That’s what happened in Retail.

In Classic, people get stucked with some hard quests early in leveling. With this, they tend to group up very early. Grouping opens up the socializing aspect of people. People enjoyed grouping up making them form guilds. Unlike in Retail, there were no talking… People talk only when they are having a difficulty. Early parts of retail are ALL EASY. It’s so easy that you wont need a group. So new players or returning players were shocked becoz it seems Retail is not social. They dont know that Retail people talks too… they socialize too… but that’s on the endgame part… on Raids where Discord is a must. But before that, no need to talk when doing 5-man from leveling to normal/heroic and lower Mythic+ keys. To me, to resolve this, Blizz has to make a good impression at start. Make the start of new expansion hard. Make people group up. And dont make the grouping very easy… not the automated version of Dungeon Finder. Just have the people meet up by themselves… just put summoning stones in Dungeons… that’s it.

Explain to newcomers and returning players Retail features becoz many of them cant figure it out. The content is so huge. They got LOST. Many of the confused got LEFT BEHIND. Maybe tell them that’s some features are really similar to original Classic.

  • Mythic+. People in Classic after getting 60 needs to be geared for Raid. They will run 5-man dungeons for thousand times in one difficulty… which to me is boring. Inform them Retail is the same. At max level, they need to be geared for Raid. Instead of doing 1 dungeon difficulty, Mythic+ is a spice. We do it increasing level of difficulty… M+0, +2, +3, when they reach M+4, they are ready for Normal Raiding. When they continue and reach M+7, they are ready for Heroic Raiding. When they continue and reach M+10. they are ready for Mythic Raiding. Just inform them. Some noobs thought Retail is centered around LFR. They are very wrong. Pristine Realm might help. It erases Raider io scores of previous expansion.

Also, tell them the Mythic+ TIMER is very Relaxed. They thought they are forced to speedrun and chain pull in M+. Please inform them that when they die in M+, they get TIME PENALTIES and this is the main reason why many M+ players fail on timer… not on the timer itself but on their number of DEATHS. Maybe when they fail on M+ timer, smash to their screen their number of DEATHS.

  • Dungeon Finder… many players hates this feature. Why? Becoz they keep on getting uninvited. They thought, they reach max level and they are ready for M+5 or Heroic Raiding… and they never run a single dungeon while leveling. Emphasize to them that the game requires them to start at M+0.

etc, etc.

For me the bring the player not the class ruined it for me. Class identity was what made the game awesome to me. Bringing something to the group that nobody else did like shaman totem buffs. When death nights horn was the same as str of the earth totem. Hunter pets getting lust. Mages getting lust. I mean the list goes on. Bring the player made it a wash to me.

My dislike of retail has nothing to do with mythic +, harder raiding, or getting kicked out of LFD groups.
You did point out part of what appeals about classic though. The social aspect, grouping up for quests, buffing others, etc makes the world feel more alive.

What i dont like about modern wow is the lack of identity and flavor classes have, combined with professions being useless, and factor in that it just feels like im waiting for some queue to pop and portal me away.

Legion did a lot for class flavor by adding class specific hubs, weapons and story; and they didnt continue with it

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For me, I would only play a pristine realm if flying were unlocked in all zones.

Modern wow is like you are on a train. You have to follow the tracks. Classic wow lets you do what you want to do. You can go here, go there, do nothing, do everything, what ever you want. I spent the evening just hopping around on my druid just buffing and healing people doing quests in ashenvale. just felt good and right. Have not felt that way in a long time.


whats there to do on retail a mario speed run dungeon for a rng lootbox at the end of the week? thx.

No! anything made by the activision slaves will never be as good as classic no matter what they try.

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You are a noob. People who do only up to M+4 has weaker loot table (end of dungeon and weekly cache) than people who only do up to M+7. People on M+7 loot table is weaker than People on M+10 loot table.

And look for my reply 5 posts above. You dont need to speed run it. Timer is so relaxed. Just concentrate on NOT DYING while keeping your DPS up and you would be good. You are just making excuses becoz of how bad you are. Nothing is wrong with M+.

lol look how mad you got bro.if you cant complete the timer and keep wiping in m+ gl getting people to stay in groups…lol.

When I want a faster game with a lot of QoL features, I play Retail (like I did this afternoon). When I want a slower, grindier game, I play Classic. A grindier Retail version without the QoL features (aka pristine Retail servers) would hold no appeal to me.

Anti-retail people are the worst. You don’t do anything notable in retail so you think it’s bad, when in reality retail and classic both do different things well. Classic is just much more accessible. If you think M+ is endgame…

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For me, it is the rushrushrush zerg mentality of retail that i dislike.

everything is focused on latest patch, random faction exalted grind, gear grind, pray for titanforged… take a month off… new patch rinse wash repeat.

it is incredibly stressful and unfun.

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Leveling in Vanilla is an adventure. Leveling in Retail is tedious and boring. So if you start with Retail, and turn off everything that reduces the tedium of leveling, that of course makes me less likely, rather than more likely, to play Retail.

Want me to play retail more? Remove NPC scaling, remove arenas, remove gimmicky benthic gear, remove daily and emissary gearing, remove warforging and titanforging, nerf M+ rewards so you don’t get mythic gear at heroic levels of difficulty in +10, basically remove all the ways in which they made game play worse than Vanilla. Also remove Horde blood elves and paladins, remove Alliance death knights and shamans, remove all the other ways in which they warped lore and faction traditions.

Brack completely misses the problem. The problem was not P2W; they were always very careful about introducing paid benefits so they were conveniences, not P2W. No, the problem was the ways in which they made game play and the game world worse with every expansion.

This isn’t to say there’s nothing good about Retail. I still go back occasionally to do assaults, though it would be more often if they hadn’t messed up the faction balance they so carefully achieved in 8.1.5. I’m tempted to go back to run LFR every now and then. Those are really the only things that can be fun about Retail, though. Throw the rest out.

It’s NOT a bad game, though. You just don’t care for it.

That’s fine, but there are still millions of people playing it.