For those of you avoiding retail, would you play retail content on pristine realms?

True but here’s my take on it…On retail I REFUSED to level alts until PF part 2 was able to be completed. Making me wait nearly a YEAR this last time around was beyond asinine. Flying for me is letting me do what I need to get done faster by allowing me to zip to where I need to be to do a quest, and then move on. It’s not about skipping content because I’ve already DONE IT ALL on my main

Legion looked good in contrast to what was before it. I played a good chunk, but never got into M+…the whole speed-running thing ruined 5mans for me. Was always told “you don’t need to speed run it,” but that’s clearly gimping myself.

Making speed-running the way to do things reminded me of D3 greater rifts, and that bothered me…not to mention you couldn’t replace people? That was a huge turn-off. They essentially made 5mans that used to be the step before raids, to a hardcore E-sport activity that is more time-intensive than raids.

Just like in Cata when they got rid of mid-level content and focused on super-casual and super-hardcore.

Retail has lost me, because I am inbetween casual and hardcore…and Blizzard doesn’t seem to care about that demographic.

Well, at least Classic is nice for me.

Oh yeah, titan-forging is complete and utter garbage. A chance at 5 additional ilvl is…acceptable, but the way it currently is? I’m never going to play a game that does something so heavily RNG based. I’m generally unlucky, and cannot express my distaste for it right now.

Sorry, I’m just ranting now…lol.

I hear that a lot…but it’s not just the fact that we didn’t know the strats…it’s also the fact that the people who smashed MC/Ony in the first 2 weeks were all pserver guilds who have done it endlessly over several years…It’s like watching the Harlem Globetrotters play basketball vs College BB teams lol

Flying broadly allows you to skip engaging the zones or areas where content happens. People don’t like doing any of the legwork that would otherwise be required of said content. They want to skip directly to the reward/completion.

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I don’t think even people playing hardcore on private servers cleared that fast.

And yet you play a game where there is no flying. How do you manage?


The problem with modern WoW is not just the conveniences. It’s the content itself, as well.

The raids are good (or were last I played)

Everything else that comprises the main gameplay loop sucks.

Because all teh parts of the game that aren’t raiding are harder, like leveling. It takes more effort to level, professions take more work, being able to equip and fund a raiding toon is way more time intensive.

Basically, doing everything except raiding takes more thought and care. Everything is convenient and easy about doing toon chores in Retail. For a lot of us, we like needing to figure out the best routes to do multiple things, putting time into professions.

Because Classic has so many things that retail took away from us over the years. I knew there was no flying going in, and I’m just fine giving it up to get so much of what we lost back

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no sir. Pserver guilds along with few other guilds killed it week 1 only cuz they had the time and will to level non stop.

Everyone els once they leveled up and entered MC 1 shotted all the bosses. maybe wiped to trash a few times.

every pug is walking into MC right now in greens and 1 shoting almost all bosses with out even 40 60s.

Nax will be cleared even faster than MC cuz there will be no leveling to be done.

So you would be fine if retail had no flying if it was a bit more like classic?

How can you even say that when prior to WoD, flying required max level?? You still had to run on the ground up until that point. Therefore, it makes your entire premise flawed. Unless the content you are referring to is intended for players at level cap…nothing is trivialized on the way there

Nope. When they killed 10 man progression that was one of the last nails in the coffin. That and Kung Fu Pandas.

WQs (and in the past, dailies) unlock at cap, and are the premier “world content” option. If people largely enjoyed this content, flying would be a non-issue.

They would have to change a LOT about retail before I would accept it without flying…like no dungeon finder, no CRZ, no sharding/phasing, no constantly moving the goalposts regarding the rate of releasing new content…I HATE that the item level cap is being raised approx every 2 to 3 months now. Original talent trees and just either rework them to be able to put in 100+ points, or we have the level squish idea like they’ve been toying with and go back to 51 like it was in the beginning. Heirlooms are great for leveling up alts, but they ruin the concept of twinking so that has to go. SCALING must go also…I want my character to feel STRONGER when I gain a level not weaker. These are but a few things I would remove if flying had to go…I’m sure that there is MUCH more if I were given long enough to think on it…but that’s a good start

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Yeah, that’s what eventually killed my drive to play legion. Got to the point where I realized I’d have to grind rep for ever for flying and said no thanks. At least you could get around wrath and BC w/o flying, but Legion zones were almost hand made to irritate the heck out of you unless you could fly over it. totally horrid design.

I don’t like those type of zones either, I much prefer the open concept they had in vanilla and BC. There are a few twists and turns in Feralas, but it isn’t anything like the new zones.

Edit: And the old zones are much more tolerable to navigate on the ground.

I mentioned the social aspects. I do feel like everything you did prior to each expansion is meaningless, which feels like a complete reset though. Just my opinion.

I put an entire list of things. They all have several underlying issues that would require my post to become a novel.

It’s more a change in the way they named them. In WoD, “Mythic” was the highest difficulty. Now it’s only the 25th highest difficulty.

So, I take it you didn’t love the “awesome ground game” you were promised in lieu of flight?

LOL @ ground trashpacks crammed together on postage-stamp-sized real estate.