For those having difficulty gaining altitude with dragon riding:

I posted a comment in another thread and thought this might be able to help others with dragon flying.

After your initial take-off look straight up and air jump again. Level off over the course of about five seconds. After you gain another charge repeat the process of looking straight up, air-jumping, leveling off over a few seconds, and gaining another charge. Repeat until you reach a comfortable cruising altitude.


I appreciate the advice but who exactly out there couldn’t figure this out already? lol

Even in real life when you want to go higher… you go up.


Or just press the space bar.

It’s really not that hard.


It’s the looking straight-up before air-jumping that some players aren’t aware of.


I just jump straight up with all six vigor, point my dragon towards the map pin I want to reach, and hope for the best.


You do not get the Vigor recharge if you dont look straight up.


Provided you have some initial inertia, anytime you want some more altitude, just look straight up, jump and level off.

You mean use skyward ascent, right?

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Yes. That thing.

There is a narrow upwards angle range that makes it possible for Thrill of the Skies to completely/ almost completely refill a vigor bar before fading.

Try finding it and you can get as high as you want. I think it’s around 80-85º.

This requires at least 3 Vigor to work.

Flying upwards with just 1 vigor is always a chore, especially from a very low altitude, without maneuvering space.


Angle yourself up.
Wait a tiny bit.
Wait a tiny bit.
Wait a tiny bit.
And wam, bam, thank you ma’am.


Thank you. I am definitely a person that needed this info. I am recently returned after long hiatus. The dragon riding I am terrible at and I hate it so much because of that. It took me almost an hour to reach the 1st race start point and about 20 tries just to finish the race with a sub-bronze time and no credit/reward. I would gladly trade all my new DF mounts to activate normal flying for the zone. To Shaz gul with all of it!


You do not need to look up to accomplish this, OP. You just need to have enough momentum to get new vigor charges. If you hit ascent every 3 seconds until your momentum is maxed out, you start to recharge vigor. It gives roughly more than half a vigor per use without looking up, and starts to go up after about your third use. You can gain ~3 more charges doing this. To keep the charges going, you can point your nose slightly down to gain more momentum as you’re using it, for endless flight.

The whole system is based on physics. I can fly for hours over town without ever landing just using ascent(spacebar) and pointing my nose at a slight tilt down. It teaches you how to do this in the tutorial while leveling. You can fly forever doing it properly.

It should be added that this still only really works well if the player has gone through the effort of acquiring all the glyphs and dragonriding talents, so that the vigor points regenerate fast enough.


You be surprised how many dumbasses there are…

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Yes, and I highly recommend getting all of the glyphs as the first thing you do when you get dragon riding.

3 videos here, not just one

Nose up, Skyward Ascent, nose down to recharge.
Nose up, Skyward Ascent, nose down to recharge.
Nose up, Skyward Ascent, nose down to recharge.
Nose up, Skyward Ascent, nose down to recharge.


Thank you for the vids!


I really feel for the players having trouble with DRing. Its a blast but certainly seems to be confusing or problematic for some player.s


Given the number of people crying about being unable to keep their vigor up . . . more than you want to know.