For those against sharding at launch

Says the man who never wants to be inconvenienced by queues, waiting for quest mobs, quest objectives, etc.

Tell us all again how you’re not concerned about yiur own convenience over authenticity.

The difference here is nobody really WANTS sharding. We just think it might be a necessary evil to keep things running smoothly and people actually playing the damn game they’re paying for.

My definition of authenticity clearly doesn’t match yours.

If they put sharding in AQ, I’m going to be front and center of the pitchfork mob out for your blood, BTW.

Hope you enjoy being unable to log in and play the game because the server keeps crashing from all the people clogging Silithus then. Sounds like a truly fun time.


A year after launch, a day of instability, I will happily accept that as the price to be having an awesome event.

But if the game crashes and burns in the first month due to negative reviews, we won’t even get to open the gate.

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You can’t have an awesome event if the server’s too busy crashing to let you have it.

History says otherwise. Why do you think everyone remembers it?

Laeric, you’re making the case for them not to use sharding for even launch. If it’s being done for server stability, clearly it’s not a solution; it’s a band-aid. So what happens when events like AQ occur? Or huge world pvp battles, or city raids? Well, obviously your desire is “Shard them!” Which is what Blizzard has said they aren’t going to do. So find a real solution. I don’t know what that solution is…but they’re the billion dollar company. Figure something out.

You can have sharding post launch. In retail.


I don’t think it was really as “awesome” as they’re saying it was. Either that or they’re incredibly sadistic jerks.

3000 people in Silithus should be less of an issue than launch. I’m expecting 5x - 10x that attempting to play. That’s why sharding won’t be needed.

Hell we didn’t need it to have 200+ on each side in Tarren Mill back in the day. Why do we need it now?

As someone who was there, talking to someone who wasn’t… trust me.

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You can have your necessary evil. In retail. The more you push for sharding to be used as needed in classic the more i wonder if it should be used in classic even at launch.

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If they shard anything beyond low level zones and launch window I’ll be out for blood too.

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Same. I just don’t believe that allowing it in low level zones makes it a guarantee they’ll break their word later.

Retail doesn’t offer me anything I want right now. Why the hell would I go there?

I’d rather deal with one day of issues over greenlighting blizzard to use sharding whenever they want. Check retail for their track record on awful implementation of sharding.

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Still better then letting cancer into the game.

And people still remember aq as an epic eveny despite crashes. Food for thought


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You’re being hyperbolic and childish. Your argument is invalid.