For those against sharding at launch

A lot of those same people have also asked for CRZ, LFG, transmog, and more.
A lot of them, at this point, seem to be trolling people like you.

blizzcon was when they made the statement. trust me. i’m right there with you. i hate sharding with a passion.


As someone who played launch day in 2004, I can tell you indeed it was insanity. And I loved it. Vanilla WoW required groups. Not for everything, but for enough things that it brought people together. Initial quests, especially quest mob kills, are a large part of that. Sharding does the opposite - it takes the group out of it - might as well have it be single player at that point.


listen, you’re not allowed to post here without bowing before the superior wheel of time character!:grinning:
Dovie’andi se tovya sagain.


And we should Shun these people, as is tradition.

I just think its probably something we should be expecting for the early zones. Now they may come up with a solution that doesn’t require it and doesn’t require merging a bunch of servers, but it would be something totally new if they did.

I’m pretty confident in it not lasting past the first few weeks though with their latest series of posts. Everything points to them doing everything they can to give us the experience we are asking for.


This is one of those tossup things for me. Honestly not sure what the answer is.

If the Classic reboot is as popular as I think it will be, that could mean finding niche spots to spam farm boars or something instead lol

Blizzard is pretty smart, it won’t be horrible or anything. I think they know we want to build community from minute 1.

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#NoSharding should have been the first blue post to pop up


Help me understand, if they claim they need sharding at launch, then why wouldn’t they need sharding at AQ also?

IMO, if they have to rely on sharding at launch then they will have to use it everywhere where similar conditions apply (e.g., lots of players in one area - i.e., AQ).

Sharding should never be introduced.

I just want my original WoW back, just like it was - nothing more, nothing less.


There’s going to be sharding all over the place post launch if it’s needed for launch. I really don’t know how people don’t understand this. It’s kinda mind blowing


Do you understand WHY it’s needed for launch? Smoothness of launch is only part of the issue (and not the biggest part). The big issue that sharding solves, and say it with me now: AVOIDING DEAD SERVERS AFTER THE TOURISTS LEAVE.

I don’t know why people don’t understand this part.


There is a big difference in that they don’t want to set up Classic to fail from the start because people think it is an unplayable mess. While it may be a passion project it is still something they want to be successful. If you stick it out til the AQ gates open then they have you hooked again and that group will be much more forgiving.

Because the number of ppl in starting zones are extremely higher then those who will be around AQ.

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Queues were part of original WoW.
Dead realms were part of original WoW.
Sharding was not part of original WoW.

If you want no queues and populated realms, then please, go play current WoW.


How do you know this?


You can’t be serious.

Launch day of vanilla had around 100k active players across 81 servers by around 5PM. We’re going to have waaaay more than that with far less servers.

The kind of queues we will have are NOT what we experienced in vanilla.

Make your peace with sharding in the start zones because it’s there for a reason.


And why on earth are you advocating for dead realms?

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“People being forced to wait for blizz to merge servers or offer transfers to continue playing the game was in vanilla so it should be in classic” is not an acceptable argument what so ever. This doesn’t even have to do with sharding, this was a mistake of having way to many servers.

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Then blizzard can merge the realms if they’re that dead. Sharding can stay in retail


Because not only has it already happened, but their is no way you are going to see the same amount of ppl at launch starting zone at aq gates. Didn’t happen before, 100% wont happen again