Nice gatekeeping.
My prior point was that the entire argument is based on assumptions of how sharding will work and be experienced- which is a strawman because that is not the argument of the pro-sharding side. You have as much evidence that players will be, “appearing and disappearing,” as anyone else has evidence there will be 10000 players in northshire abbey. So let’s dispense with calling every rebuttal as strawman and actually discuss the problem…
Being unable to play the game because there are far too many players in an area than it is designed to be able to handle feels awful. Being unable to play the game at launch will have a permanent, negative effect on server populations.
The problem evaporates beyond the starting zones and sharding should NEVER be used outside of the intital launch in the initial zones. Which is how blizzard has put it forth. And I have no reason to disbelieve them at this point.