For those against sharding at launch

Sigh. . .
My server was well known for major guilds that held major events. I was a guild master of one of the guilds during MoP and during that time we even took part in events as large as building a massive force of over 200 players to invade horde cities.

Guilds were known for massive group fights, planning massive battles and so forth. Also city raids were quite literally a daily occurrence. We thrived through EVERYTHING they added over time. But then they added sharding.

I primarily play my dwarven paladin in an all dwarven guild that at it’s very lowest times would be over 500 members and highest over 800. We were well-known for defending Ironforge. . . until sharding. “Ironforge is under attack!” We’d respond. No one there. Why? The horde raid was sharded. This went on and on until city raids stopped. Guilds tried massive wpvp battles but would be sharded away from each other.

Now I logged in recently during the free 4 day event thing. Only 3 members on in the dwarven guild when I was on. I’ve never seen it that low ever, and that guild’s been around since BC.

Is the server still alive? I believe so yes. But the community is gone. The events are gone. The life that made it famous is gone.

The only fighting I did was with someone here over the way they addressed things and that is over. I am done being vitriolic. That’s not me.