For the record I don't watch Dr. Who

You could say that:

Not a phone booth.

i dont like Doctor Who, but that seems cool

We should get a Terminator-style hearthstone too

How do I nominate a post for being a very informative effort-post?

Forreal. I’m getting my big cross and nine inch nails out.

The Doctor’s Wife is one of my favorites, and in no small part given it was written by Neil Gaiman

No their problem was not being “woke”. The problem with the current Dr is the scripts.

Since Dr Who was rebooted the companions have become much more important and particular the relationship between the doctors and the companions has become more important.

Problem with the current bunch is that while each actor is perfectly fine at playing their part, the way it’s written there is no “chemistry” between the companions to each other or the Doctor.

It’s like a group of people at work who get along fine but at the end of the day they go home and have nothing to do with each other because they have nothing in common.

If they fixed that they would have a completely different situation and the stories would be much improved.

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“If you strike me down now, I’ll only become more powerful” - Arthas

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Psh, Arthas is fine, he knows what color the Doctor’s tardis is

You can see Dr Who on Amazon Prime.

For the record, I’ve never watched it either and I agree OP :slight_smile:

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It’s unlikely to be the actors. Normally the BBC hires top rate British actors, many of whom work for the Royal Shakespeare company. At any rate, Russel T Davies, the showrunner for the 10th Doctor, David Tennant, is taking over again. That should be an improvement.

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I’m a child,

I see the word “tardis” I laugh

I’m sorry

There are people who love SciFi and there are people who think it’s silly.