For the record I don't watch Dr. Who

*cries in Arrested Development*

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I never got that show. Did they butcher it?

The Netflix version is not nearly as good as the original first three seasons.

Oh right, I do remember hearing that. This is why I respect Ted Lasso. Heā€™s sticking to 3, and I have faith heā€™ll do it.

Dr. Who?
Who watches tv anymore, the ads have taken over.
wiggles toes

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Man, I heard that whoosh from hereā€¦

Plot twist: Thunda was the one being snarky.


Iā€™m glad someone gets me


I mean it mimics a booth with a phone in it right?

I dunno, personally Iā€™m not a big fan of the olā€™ pop culture grabbing in video games.
I donā€™t mind subtle references here and there, but the blatant ripping ala fortnite/ffivx is just world breaking in my opinion.

No. It mimics a Police Public Call Box. It had three functions:

  1. It was a way for citizens to call the police for help (they could lock themselves inside if they were being chased, and the blue light on top signified help was needed).
  2. It assisted officers for breaks and a dry place to write up reports (they couldnā€™t just walk to the station to file a report, as that would have taken them off their beat).
  3. The real police boxes were made of concrete, serving as a holding pen for those under arrest until backup arrived to take them to jail.


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I never saw it (curses!) but there was a T.A.R.D.I.S. clone that would appear randomly in Asheronā€™s Call, supposedly with the sound effect. But they eventually got a cease and desist order (I heard).

So itā€™s a boothā€¦with a phone in itā€¦
I know what a police box is lmao.

I donā€™t care if you make dresses in there, itā€™s a booth with a phone in it. Calling out OP over silly semantics is just petty.

The person who initially replied could have instead just informed OP ā€œactually they are more than just a phone boxā€¦etcā€ not just saying how they are ā€œwrongā€.

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But drilling into Valhalla isnā€™t?

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Their universe their rules, yes itā€™s dumb but it is still just WoW doing WoW mechanics. Itā€™s nothing really new and mostly par for the course.

Iā€™d rather things be illogical than have copy paste pop culture from other media personally.

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Itā€™s also a Police Box. Can Google it but not take the time to actually notice the color or what it called on the Tardis.

More like a


(because the Doctor always kept the emergency brakes on)


Ok, I got it!

The phone booth from Bill & Ted!


Yeah, we need the red phone booth and sonic hammer in the game.

Never liked doctor who I think the show is really boring and poorly written in cringe.

I did find an image of a red police box.

Looks weird red.