For the love of god remove deepcoral pod

This item literally invalidates melee classes, especially when used on something like a hunter. How is this supposed to be fun?


You can always use it to hop away lol.


Not against a hunter that is also using it. :slight_smile:


Fake left go right.


Fun for the ranged classesšŸ˜‚


its fun to me, so NO.

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Donā€™t worry theyā€™ll remove it because blizz is the fun police.

Hopefully theyā€™ll remove it by the time Classic comes out so I wonā€™t have to worry about coming back anyway.

Melee can stick to casters like glue and youā€™re mad because they have an item to escape now? lol


Seriously people. Get some of your own. It isnā€™t like itā€™s a hard thing to get. Literally spend 5 minutes and you can at least have 10 of them. xD


Itā€™s absolutely hilarious isnā€™t it?

ā€œThis item makes it so that my style of play can be hard countered by the person Iā€™m fighting!!ā€

My heart goes out to all of the Melee in World PvP who, after about 10 years, are no longer able to just perma-sit on their target and spam CC / run in and out of the caster to cancel spell casting.

I am empathetic because, with Deepcoral Pods, Melee now have to experience what Ranged have had to deal with for over a decade.


How about removing Death Grip and Chains of Ice from the game, since they literally invalidate caster classes?


Or make the zone limitations of it greater

No, working as intended. Iā€™m loving it :stuck_out_tongue:

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But dudeā€¦Have you ever seen a caster on deep coral bounding along with a bunch of melee on deep coral bounding after? It is the best thing you will ever see.

Its a proper kangaroo freak party!

Be warned though you will need deep coral pods to get the full showā€¦

These are the best thing in the game leave the pods be.


Oh I have seen it, and it is beautiful!

Thereā€™s now an aspect of World PvP that Melee canā€™t literally faceroll and win! Yes, there are some Melee specs that actually have to try to stay on their targets, but the majority absolutely do not.


I do not understand this mentality that people who play a caster have torward melee to be honest. As at no time outside of a good rogue have I ever really struggled to keep a melee at bay. All of vanilla mage dominated everyone and in BC it was affliction warlock, in wrath we were back to mages and in Cata it was elemental shammy. I was deployed during MOP so I canā€™t speak to it and i didnā€™t really play WOD. Legion was all about DH. But for better of this gameā€™s life caster have always been the best pick for any form of competitive pvp. BFA is no different.

P.S. no I donā€™t want to nerf or remove deep coil pods.

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Iā€™m starting to think the only way to make you happy, would be to make it impossible for melee to ever get to a caster.

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No, Iā€™m genuinely not interested in that. I just want a fair fight in which sometimes, just once in a while, I can open up a gap and have it stay open for maybe 4-6 seconds. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m asking. Maybe itā€™s more of a Priest problem specifically than a caster problem in general, but I just donā€™t have that in my toolkit.

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I get where youā€™re coming from, and Iā€™m well aware of the fact that this game is not balanced around 1v1, but unless you are playing a Mage, or a Warlock during certain expansions, if you are by yourself and almost any Melee class (DKs have been notoriously kiteable) of almost any spec jumped onto you with equal gear, you will NOT be able to kite them without that person making a very obvious mistake.

This is the way that Melee functions, and I also get that. If youā€™re not on your target, youā€™re not doing damage (ignoring the massive number of Ranged attacks that have made their way into that archetypeā€¦). However, and Iā€™m not sure if it was this post or another that I explained my thinking, I believe this all stems from the arms race that Melee classes had with Frost Mages for essentially the entire history of WoW. The comments are usually something to the order of:

Melee - ā€œI canā€™t get to my target to do damage! Ranged are broken!ā€ (while fighting a Mage)

This isnā€™t because Ranged are broken, itā€™s because certain Ranged classes have a TON of control. This, coupled with the perfectly reasonable desire of having classes not be homogenized to the point of just being different colored versions of the same class, leaves you with something like an Elemental Shaman in BfA being just about incapable of effectively kiting a Melee class, while simultaneously having Mages kite groups of people with relative ease.

This disparity of kiting abilities available to the different Ranged classes in the game, versus the almost uniform preponderance of gap closers, ranged CC, and incredibly strong defensives that can be easily used offensively (Cloak of Shadows, AMS, Divine Shield, etc.) that are downright necessary when fighting a Frost Mage, leaves you with a spec like Elemental, with a single 45sec CD knockback that fails 50% of the time because of terrain, and a single Root, that needs to be talented into, is single target, requires setup, and breaks almost immediately on damage, at a substantial disadvantage in almost every World PvP situation.

Yes, the game isnā€™t balanced around 1v1. That doesnā€™t change the fact that, for many players, the vast majority of PvP takes place in 1v1 situations, in the world. It gets a bit frustrating after years of straight up not being able to compete with a competent Melee player simply because of the fight being rigged from the moment it startedā€¦

please forgive the long sentences


Casters tend to get upset when they just canā€™t freecast on someone fighting another player. Also, kiting requires a bit of thought and skill so your average caster struggles with melee in a 1v1.